Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

Nuclear submarines | Washington says the Australia deal will not encourage proliferation

Nuclear submarines |  Washington says the Australia deal will not encourage proliferation

(Geneva) The United States on Thursday denied plans to equip its Australian ally with nuclear-powered submarines, denying China’s accusation of violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and instead presented it as a plan with exemplary protections. Released December 16, 2021 at 2:07 pm. “Australia will block this project, which it wants to end with the United States and the United Kingdom,” …

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United States: Court of Appeal reinstates vaccination obligation on companies Biden wanted

United States: Court of Appeal reinstates vaccination obligation on companies Biden wanted

As the Omicron variant progresses around the world, a US federal court ruling should satisfy Joe Biden. On Friday, December 17, Biden re-established the vaccination duty for employees of large companies desired by management to prevent the outbreak of Covid 19, and this was stopped by another organization in early November. Forcing millions of employees in companies with more than …

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Personal items from the Titanic Costway on display in London

Personal items from the Titanic Costway on display in London

More than 200 items are on display at the Dock X in London. They are part of a new high-speed exhibition that highlights the lives lost on the liner. The Titanic It was the largest ship of the time and it was believed that it would not sink. But on his first voyage between Southampton and New York in April …

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London will use “all its diplomatic and economic powers” against any Russian “occupation”

Le premier ministre Boris Johnson a réitéré le soutien britannique à l'Ukraine.

UK uses’All its diplomatic and economic powers“Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky on Friday, December 17, to prevent any Russian aggression against Ukraine,” Downing Street reported. Read moreUkraine: EU threatens Russia with “severe” sanctions In an appeal on Friday afternoon, Boris Johnson reiterated British support for Ukraine and the UK pledged to Volodymyr Zhelensky. “It will use …

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Uber operates on an autonomous food delivery system

Uber operates on an autonomous food delivery system

Uber has not completely abandoned its idea of ​​a self-driving car. At the moment, the US company wants to use it for a food delivery service called UberEats. The California-based company will no longer be building its own autonomous cars. Instead, it opted to partner with Motional, a company that specializes in the manufacture of autonomous vehicles. Credit – Uber …

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London does not pay, Paris goes to trial in Brussels

London does not pay, Paris goes to trial in Brussels

Via with AFPReleased on 12/17/2021 at 6.30pm.Updated 12/17/2021 at 7:17 pm. After eleven months of conflict between Britain and France over the number of fishing licenses issued to French boats after Brexit, Paris will decide to sue in Brussels and pay compensation to unlicensed fishermen. France will ask the European Commission to sue the UK to get some more …

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The latest update pushes the control panel out

The latest update pushes the control panel out

Little by little the bird builds its nest. With the release of Windows 11 a few months ago, Microsoft promised to simplify the settings of its operating system. If everything is not finalized yet with the release of Windows 11, the US company is filtering out updates for its new OS, with minor improvements in this direction. The latest Windows …

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The Vietnamese scientist drew attention in Australia

The Vietnamese scientist drew attention in Australia

D.R. Nguyen Trong Hiêu, a lecturer in photovoltaic cells at the Australian National University (ANU), received the Science and Technology Award for New Material Technology from the Central Committee of the Communist Youth Ho Chi Minh Union and the Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology. >> WMO presents its science prize to a young Vietnamese researcher>> A Vietnamese scientist has …

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Four children have been killed in a fire in south London

Pour l'heure, l'origine du sinistre, survenu à Sutton, est «inconnue» et «fera l'objet d'une enquête» (photo d'illustration).

Firefighters and London police say four children have been killed in a house fire on the southern outskirts of the British capital on Thursday evening. For now, the origin of the disaster in Sutton “I do not know” And “Will be investigated”Scotland Yard official Rob Sheppard said in a statement. Read moreParis: A fire broke out in a building near …

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