Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

Australia: The endangered bird song topped the album charts

Australia: The endangered bird song topped the album charts

In France, Christmas carol songs are in vogue at the end of the year, and the people of Australia are entitled to a completely different musical environment: one of the most listened albums at the moment is actually an album listing the songs of 53 rare birds. Island species. A fun album in the rankings The album is made up …

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London cancels New Year celebrations

Le maire de Londres a annoncé lundi soir l'annulation des festivités prévues pour le Nouvel An, notamment à Trafalgar Square.

London’s Labor Mayor Sadiq Khan on Monday evening announced the cancellation of planned New Year’s celebrations in the British capital, a highly contagious variant caused by a sharp rise in Omicron’s lawsuits. “With Covid 19 infections reported across our city and across the UK, I’m committed to slowing down the spread of this new variant and ensuring that our services …

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Discovery of new galaxies in Costa Rica!

sphères Costa Rica

On the popular blockbuster “Riders of the Lost Ark“(1981), the protagonist of the film Indiana Jones follows him with a huge stone ball ready to be torn to pieces … With this note, director Steven Spielberg pays homage to the mysterious stone spheres of Costa Rica. These unusual, perfectly shiny spheres were discovered in the Dikwis Valley in the south …

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The photo of the cinema torn by the hurricane has shaken the United States

The photo of the cinema torn by the hurricane has shaken the United States

Jerome Vermelin – 2021-12-20T17: 46: 06.756 + 01: 00 No, this movie was not taken from the Hollywood blockbuster. A theater in Mayfield, Kentucky was actually destroyed by a hurricane on the night of December 10-11. If the red seats did not move, the screen was washed away by bad weather. The first photo of the room was taken by …

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55 women from the same gym club shared $ 80 million in the lottery

55 women from the same gym club shared $ 80 million in the lottery

At the current exchange rate, each woman would raise about $ 1.45 million or over 10 910,000. A nice gift for year-end celebrations. A group of 55 women from the same gym club City of Perth, Australia wins $ 80 million jackpot in Powerball draw in early December Draw-winner. Winners plan to share the lottery’s prize pool: each of them …

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Pixel 6: Google fixes an error blocking calls and text

pixel 6 google

Google recently used an update to its new Pixel 6 smartphones, but instead of fixing some of the existing issues (low battery life, slow fingerprint reader …), the web giant has come up with mobile network and calls, SMS, MMS and more. Mountain View launched its Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro in October, with a more original design compared …

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DJI on the U.S. Block List

DJI on the U.S. Block List

Despite the change of administration, the United States continues to put pressure on China. Washington Drone Builder has added DJI and seven companies in the country to its block list. U.S. investors will not be able to buy or sell shares in eight new Chinese companies, the U.S. Treasury Department has added to its investment block list. Conversely, the alleged …

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Australia is reopening its borders, which have been closed for more than a year and a half

Australia is reopening its borders, which have been closed for more than a year and a half

Published: 01/11/2021 – 07:44 After 600 days of closure, Australia reopened its borders on Monday, allowing for the first time since the onset of the health crisis, fully vaccinated Australians to travel without isolation. This is a relief to Australian citizens. L ‘Australia Its borders reopened on Monday 1stThere is November, almost 600 days after they closed, led to moving …

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Venezuela’s Central University celebrates 300 years in the midst of crisis

Venezuela's Central University celebrates 300 years in the midst of crisis

(Caracas) Due to high inflation, low-paid professors and students have to choose between “eating and studying” and deteriorating infrastructure … Venezuela’s Central University is celebrating its 300th anniversary in crisis. Released December 19, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. Stephen Rojas French Media Company “We can not believe we’re so low,” said Mobd Daniel Teren, 43, a historian and professor at UCV …

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