
“Incredible” discoveries prove space plasma hurricanes

"Incredible" discoveries prove space plasma hurricanes

Scientists say they have confirmed the existence of space hurricanes and have discovered a 600-mile-wide mass on the North Pole. Researchers led by Shandong University in China used satellite data to identify the space hurricane, which found that it was ionized plasma gas, not the wind speed. The mass rained electrons instead of water and lasted almost eight hours before …

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Our higher cognitive abilities were developed as we embraced larger animals

Our higher cognitive abilities were developed as we embraced larger animals

As evidenced by the development of the size of the brain, our higher cognitive abilities developed as we hunted We turn off the megapown, Step A new study From the University of Tel Aviv. This would have been about two million years before the advent of agriculture about 10,000 million years ago. Reason: We had to develop our brains to …

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Study that Neanderthals can make sounds similar to humans | Video

Study that Neanderthals can make sounds similar to humans |  Video

On 21:32 ET (02:32 GMT) Monday, March 1, 2021 Is playing 0:54 Released on Monday, February 22, 2021 at 17:00 ET (22:00 GMT) 1:11 On 22:10 ET (03:10 GMT) on February 19, 2021 0:45 On 17:32 ET (22:32 GMT) Wednesday, February 17, 2021 1:39 1621 ET (21:30 GMT) was released on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 0:52 On 11:05 ET (16:05 …

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The Apollo 11 mission to the Moon turned into a life-threatening event on Earth

The Apollo 11 mission to the Moon turned into a life-threatening event on Earth

Both members of the NASA team are currently senior astronauts. Clover has made two space missions since arriving at the space station in November. This is the third time. Robbins previously made his first orbit in 2016 at the space station, so this is the third time. If Sunday’s spacewalk sounded better than previous spacewalks – especially considering what happened …

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A ceremonial float in the exceptional condition found in Pompeii

C’est un char de cérémonie dans un état de conservation étonnant que des archéologues viennent de mettre à jour du côté de Pompéi (Italie). © Parc archéologique de Pompéi

Four wheels. Tree. Iron elements. Above all, beautiful bronze and faux decorations. This is a ritual float exceptional invention “It simply came to our notice then Near P Pompeii. This will be of interest to you [EN VIDÉO] Archeology: The bodies of two men were exhumed north of Pompeii Excavations at the beginning of the year in Pompeii revealed two …

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A decisive week to change the course of the vaccine campaign

A decisive week to change the course of the vaccine campaign

The image of empty vaccination centers undermines the morale and support of citizens. The strategy must be developed. Acceleration tracks are on the table, such as the approval of the estrogen vaccine for those over 55. CErrors, Errors, Pontocles வார்த்த There are plenty of words to describe the beginning of the vaccination campaign dedicated to frontline health workers. It is …

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New sand from the Sahara to France as of Monday!

New sand from the Sahara to France as of Monday!

Issued by Gilles MatriconMeteorologistOn 02/21/21, updated 02/28/21 at 11:08 am Cars dirty with sand-filled droplets from the Sahara, the sky with yellow-gray and pollution sensors will detect high particles: for the third time in 3 weeks, sand from the Sahara from France on Monday. Descriptions of this extraordinary event … which has now become commonplace since the beginning of February! …

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The EU assesses vaccine default “within two to three weeks” – science and health

The EU assesses vaccine default "within two to three weeks" - science and health

Coordinating and Reform Commissioner Eliza Ferreira has said that the European Union (EU) estimates that “everything will be normal” within two to three weeks of the production and distribution of anti-COV-19 vaccines in member countries. Reuters “Our expectation is that in two or three weeks, everything will be very strong with production and distribution levels until now,” the Portuguese commissioner …

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This incredible map shows no stars, but 25,000 amazing black holes

This incredible map shows no stars, but 25,000 amazing black holes

It is unbelievable that this photo does not show the starry sky before. Instead, each white dot is a miraculous black hole in the heart of a different galaxy. These exceptions are made not by visible light, but by radio waves emitted by orbiting these distant, massive black holes, which are the most detailed celestial maps at low radio frequencies. …

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A fantastic discovery, they found a ritual cart preserved near Pompeii

A fantastic discovery, they found a ritual cart preserved near Pompeii

The carts invented so far were intended not only for such ceremonial ceremonies, but also for the normal functioning and movement of people and goods or agriculture. As for the ceremonial cart, prints of organic materials such as mineralized wood parts and plant decorations were also found. The carriage was in the hall in front of the barn, where the …

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