
Clayton Bobbin: “Representing Trump and his supporters led to deep dissatisfaction.”

Gladden Pappin : « Délégitimer Trump et ses partisans a fait naître un ressentiment très profond » <img class='plus-nav-icon-menu icon-img' src='https://lincorrect.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/logo-article-small.png' style='height:20px;'>

Can you summarize what happened Wednesday night in Washington? Two significant events have taken place in recent days in American political life. In Tuesday’s election in Georgia, the Democrats won the seat needed to control the Senate. This increased tensions with Donald Trump supporters gathered in Washington. The next day, the 6th Congress was to open the ballot for every …

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Gerrardmer International Fantastic Film Festival / 28th Edition of French Culture

Gerrardmer International Fantastic Film Festival / 28th Edition of French Culture

French Culture and the Gerrardmar Fantastic Film Festival will meet you for an exceptional and virtual version. Set up your tent in your living room and enjoy the festival from home, because due to the epidemic, this version will take place entirely online. Movies can be accessed via a dedicated site. Jury leaders Bertrand Bonello and Pio Marmay have mastered …

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The U.S. International Branch of Lycee Lasage in Vance is closely monitoring the U.S. situation – Vance

The U.S. International Branch of Lycee Lasage in Vance is closely monitoring the U.S. situation - Vance

The night was intense for Annick Hervio. Affiliated with CNN, Lesage de Vance, one of two officers from the U.S. International Division of High School, quickly set aside his copies to imitate Washington’s position on Capitol Hill, this “symbol of democracy.” The dual national editor says he was frightened when he saw the protesters enter the Washington building, rolling his …

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This Thursday, January 7th, is the Michael TV show for 2021

This Thursday, January 7th, is the Michael TV show for 2021

Crystal Trap: An Adventure Movie to Watch on the M6! Do not miss the adventure movie Crystal Trap, Tonight at 9:05 pm on M6. A quick summary of this project is here. John McLane, a police officer in New York, joins his wife in the building where he works in Los Angeles. As soon as he arrived, he saw a …

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Dexter: Discovered the villain of the series Season 9

Dexter: Discovered the villain of the series Season 9

Season 9 of “Dexter” hires Clancy Brown as the series’ villain, whose arrival is expected next fall on the American channel Showtime. Clancy Brown plays Kurt Caldwell, an influential man from the small town of Iron Lake. He made his American dream come true, going from a simple truck driver – just like his father – to a businessman in …

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Star Wars Andor: Diego Luna gives information about this series

Star Wars Andor: Diego Luna gives information about this series

In an interview with the American site The Hollywood Reporter, Diego Luna Disney + spoke about the filming of the new Star Wars series from “Andor”, which will be the precursor to the movie “Rock One”. Available in 12 chapters, Andor 5 years before the events of the film (which was a precursor to episode IV of the movie Saga …

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Il Varco: Working with the archive to get a reflective fiction.

Toute la culture

Italian directors Frederico Ferron and Michael Mansolini are once again presenting a fiction-documentary. They work with numerous archives as an object to obtain an original, expressive and significant work. At the gate The fascism of the 1940s with Nazi Germany engulfed us in Italy. We are in 1941, the first Italian troops are being sent to the Soviet front now …

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