Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

Starbucks workers arrange to form America’s first union

Starbucks workers arrange to form America's first union

Study time: 2 minutes So far, none of the 8,000 Starbucks companies on U.S. soil have joined the union. Buffalo workers in New York decided to fix this. On August 23, a group of about 50 employees announced and disclosed in a letter to Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson that they were launching an organizing campaign, as well as forming a …

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A satanic ritual was broadcast for a few seconds during television news

A satanic ritual was broadcast for a few seconds during television news

Broadcast of TV news from TV Australian ABC TV Friday, August 20 did not go as planned. At the end of the report on the police dogs, the audience caught the seconds of a satanic ceremony, he said Inside In the marked article Southwest. Broadcast for only two seconds. In the films, one of the masked protagonists pronounces “Hi Satan” …

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Food shows its economic patriotism


Just like us, stay in France. This summer, Benedict has winked at consumers to relaunch its brand. At stations, the mayonnaise manufacturer shows its new credo on a blue-white-red background. It specifically involves the replacement of oil and eggs, which are its main products, until then imported for financial reasons. Eggs from free-range chickens, it goes without saying. “Consumers are …

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“Time is against us”, Hurricane Ida threatens Louisiana in US – liberation

"Time is against us", Hurricane Ida threatens Louisiana in US - liberation

When it hits the New Orleans area in the coming hours, the tropical cyclone “intensifies rapidly”. Significant destruction is feared, bringing back painful memories of Katrina’s passage. Wooden boards and sandbags, New Orleans residents have taken refuge with their families in the face of a new extreme weather episode. Sixteen days after Katrina passed, Louisiana’s largest city, Ida, is preparing …

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“Jenshin’s Impact”, China’s blockbuster

"Jenshin's Impact", China's blockbuster

Filippo Fontana Landscapes with saturated colors roll endlessly. Waterfalls with sparkling turquoise water, icy mountains in the fog and vast plains inhabited by thousands of creatures with supernatural powers. This is the background to this Jenshi’s impactGame created by miHoYo, a Chinese studio that has captured the hearts of millions of players around the world. At an estimated $ 100 …

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“Jenshin’s Impact”, China’s blockbuster

"Jenshin's Impact", China's blockbuster

Filippo Fontana Landscapes with saturated colors roll endlessly. Waterfalls with sparkling turquoise water, icy mountains in the fog and vast plains inhabited by thousands of creatures with supernatural powers. This is the background to this Jenshi’s impactGame created by miHoYo, a Chinese studio that has captured the hearts of millions of players around the world. At an estimated $ 100 …

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One week after Grace passed, Hurricane Nora hit Mexico

One week after Grace passed, Hurricane Nora hit Mexico

(Mexico) A week later Mercy, Hurricane Nora The U.S. Hurricane Center (NHC) said Saturday night that the state of Jalisco on the Pacific coast had hit Mexico. Posted on August 28, 2021 at 4:13 PM Updated at 9:04 p.m. Hurricane Eye, Type 1 on the Sapphire-Simpson scale, “is located near the coast of Mexico after making landfall in northwestern Jalisco”, …

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Japan suspends use of three modern vaccines that may have been contaminated by contaminants

Japan suspends use of three modern vaccines that may have been contaminated by contaminants

The Japanese Ministry of Health announced on Saturday, August 28, that an investigation had been launched into the deaths of two men who received the Moderna vaccine against Kovit-19 from a panel that was suspended on Thursday. “The causal relationship of the vaccine is now unknown”, The Ministry states. The inquest, announced Saturday, is about the deaths of two men, …

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