Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

Derek Sue refuses to testify at his trial


So the George Floyd murder trial is now closed. Inquiries will continue Monday with requests and then pleas. Former police officer Derek Suu Kyi said Thursday that she refuses to testify at her trial in connection with the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis last year. So the discussions are now closed. “Today I demand my right to the Fifth …

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$ 1.3 billion loss in first quarter

© American Airlines

Like all airlines, American Airlines has been hit hard by the fall in air ticket sales since the outbreak began. The company has projected a net loss of $ 1.2 billion to $ 1.3 billion in the first quarter of 2021. Therefore, its revenue is expected to decline by 62% compared to the first quarter of 2019, which is in …

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Bitcoin Users Are Bringing Its Potential Into Action – Here’s How

The biggest trends in Bitcoin up to date haven’t been driven by its actual use as a currency but as a speculative investment. The turbulence of Bitcoin’s price has made it a top choice for risk-seeking investors looking to make major gains quickly. This is all starting to change as more and more people and organizations are starting to see …

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The death of the father of austerity in Brazil and Latin America

John Williamson était également un pilier du think tank « Peterson Institute for International Economics », à Washington.

On April 15, 2021, 4:10 pm In the small world of economists, the image of John Williamson is undeniably relevant Consensus Washington , His reference work published in the late 1980s. The consensus is that Latin America has a battery of legacy measures to help it face the (many) crises of the time. One of the Ten Commandments, recommended by …

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Australia: Smoke billows into stratosphere like volcanic eruption

L'Australie a été ravagée en 2019-2020 par d'immenses incendies.

The government says nearly 17 million hectares of forest and brush will be destroyed by unprecedented fires in Australia in 2019-2020, and more than 3 billion animals have been affected, according to a WWF report. This has already turned this event into an unprecedented disaster. Another effect, of lesser importance: the amount of smoke predicted in the atmosphere is enormous. …

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A tour of the center of the Buckingham Gardens soon

parc public Royaume Uni

By Elsia Columb | On 04/09/2021 at 11:07 am | Updated on 04/09/2021 at 5:45 pm When Control measures make it easier to slow down, London is getting ready to host more and more terraces and outdoor restaurants. The opportunity to tour in the middle of the palace gardens can now be added to the list Buckingham This summer. From …

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USA | Walmart still wants to better retain full-time employees

USA |  Walmart still wants to better retain full-time employees

(New York) Walmart, the largest private employer in the United States, announced Wednesday that it wants to go full-time, with regular hours, to better retain two-thirds of its workforce. On April 14, 2021 at 7:15 p.m. France Media Agency The group aims to achieve this goal by the end of January 2022. In 2016, only 53% of this category of …

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20 ridiculous minutes at Australian T1 / Australia / Adelaide United /

20 ridiculous minutes at Australian T1 / Australia / Adelaide United /

Mad Australia. The service was rendered to those who directed their Malaysian stream at 11:30 a.m. this Wednesday: In the A-League this Adelaide United-MacArthur FC (3-1) oscillated between extraordinary and beauty. Beyond the particularly pleasant match between the two top teams, the last twenty minutes were rare fun. First, Tommy Zurich and Craig Goodwin made a fuss To determine the …

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Joe Biden, a painful statement for America’s wars

Joe Biden, a painful statement for America's wars

J.Announcing the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan on Wednesday, O’Brien wants to present himself as an opponent of US “endless wars” in which he was hunted down by a controversial vote in support of intervention in Iraq in 2003. The current 78-year-old president of the United States has done a remake to deliver his m Gulpa, while at the …

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