The event-based telescope measures the magnetic field near the miraculous black hole

The event-based telescope measures the magnetic field near the miraculous black hole

EHT collaboration

Event Horizon Telescope (EHD) collaboration M87 shows the first image of the shadow of a miraculous black hole in the galaxy in polarized light. Astronomers were able to determine the strength of the magnetic field near the black hole, create an image of the field lines of the force, and detect the parameters of the plasma. Articles (1, 2) Published in the journal Letters from the Journal of Astronomy, Briefly about the study Is said On the website of the European Southern Laboratory.

EHD (Event Horizon Telescope) is global The longest basic radio interferometer, Has eight labs and operates at a wavelength of 1.3 millimeters. By synchronizing the operation of personal telescopes using atomic clocks and using supercomputers to process data, the project was able to achieve its main goal – for the first time in history Get Image of the shadow of an active elliptical galaxy M87 and even a miraculous black hole in the center See Its fluctuations, in addition, scientists were able to consider Jet Remote Blazer 3C 279. As the project develops, new telescopes will be added to its mix so that astronomers can expand the working waves and Get Image of the shadow of a miraculous black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

New documents released by the EHD collaboration describe the results of the polarization studies of the M87 galaxy’s black hole in April 2017. The polarized synchronous radiation contains information about the configuration of the magnetic field and the properties of the magnetized plasma adjacent to the black hole, which helps to test the accumulation samples of the material on the black hole and the mechanisms for the formation of a relative jet.

As a result, astronomers have captured the first polarized image of the shadow of a miraculous black hole on the M87. The researchers were able to determine the average electron density of plasma equal to 10 in the emitting region near the black hole.4–7 Particles per cubic centimeter, the magnetic field strength is equal to 1-30 C, and the plasma electron temperature is equal to (1–12) 1010 Kelvin. In addition, scientists have been able to estimate the average accumulation rate of matter in a black hole, which is equal to (3–20) 10-4 Find that the observational data are best described by the magnetic hydrodynamic model of the masses of the sun per year, and also by the strong magnetized plasma, which represents the important role of the magnetic field in the immediate vicinity of the black hole. A relativistic jet.

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To read more about the scientific significance of the first image of the shadow of the black hole and how astronomers were able to obtain it, read our material. “Look in the abyss” And “Look beyond the horizon”.

Alexander the Great

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