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This is how telecommunications companies are implementing 5G during a pandemic

This is how telecommunications companies are implementing 5G during a pandemic

Then the coronavirus hit. Telecommunication companies had to find out how to manage remote workforces, deal with concerns about technology supply chain disruptions, and strengthen existing networks that suddenly became essential links with the outside world for the people taking refuge in the place. 5G is expected to enable technologies like automated factories and remote augmented reality training, the usefulness …

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Election Map Leans Badly Against Donald Trump Right Now

Election Map Leans Badly Against Donald Trump Right Now

A series of surveys on swing states (and not so swing) published on Wednesday clarify this reality. * A Quinnipiac University of Texas Survey He had a career at Trump 44%, Biden 43%. How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a good point: really bad. The last Democrat to win Arizona at the presidential level was Bill Clinton …

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Amid COVID-19 surge among doctors, center talks of “ultimate responsibility”

Amid COVID-19 surge among doctors, center talks of "ultimate responsibility"

Coronavirus: The Center said that all protocols are already in place and that states are following them. The prevention of any infection, including the coronavirus, is the responsibility of healthcare workers and hospitals, the Center told the Supreme Court today amid an increase in infection among healthcare workers across the country. The court requested the government’s response to a petition …

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George Floyd monument and protests

George Floyd protests across America

Mayor Muriel Bowser speaks at a press conference in Washington, June 4. CNNE When asked if he wanted to reduce the military presence in the nation’s capital, Mayor Muriel Bowser said today at a press conference that “we want the army; we want out-of-state troops outside of Washington, DC.” Bowser said she was “very concerned” about how federal police expanded …

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Do not prasad, holy water, or sing in religious places under new rules

Do not prasad, holy water, or sing in religious places under new rules

Temples have been asked to stumble to enter devotees into the central guidelines. New Delhi: The coronavirus outbreak, with a sharp increase in numbers, will change the experience of visiting religious places in the country. Not only will the crowds be gone, making offerings and receiving prasad, vermillion points, or holy water will be a strict no-no. There should also …

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Reporting a cyclone for the first time, from the landing site


Cyclone: ​​a familiar term in the eastern part of the country, but for a reporter in Mumbai, an unknown. We Mumbai reporters are used to covering heavy rains, constant rains, rains that flood entire cities. Rain packed in strong winds is a completely different phenomenon. When I was asked to report from Alibaug, a popular tourist about 100 km from …

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Facebook to start labeling state media

Facebook to start labeling state media

The tags will immediately begin to appear on pages belonging to media such as Russia Today and China’s Xinhua. Starting next week, users in the United States will begin to see the label appear in the individual publications of these points of sale, labels that will eventually be introduced in other countries. Nathaniel Gleicher, head of Facebook’s security policy, told …

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Alok Sharma, UK government minister, isolates himself after coronavirus test

UK Business Secretary Alok Sharma in the House of Commons on Wednesday.

Business Secretary Alok Sharma repeatedly wiped his head and nose with a handkerchief and held his forehead as he delivered a speech on Wednesday, raising questions about whether the UK government was right to demand that its lawmakers return to Parliament while the number of new coronavirus infections remains high. The House of Commons had been operating hybridly in recent …

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Coronavirus India – Delhi Corona app has many people asking, less real users: Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain

The application aims to provide updated information on the availability of beds and fans. New Delhi: The recent Delhi government launch of “Corona App”, intended to help users learn about the status of total hospital beds and ventilators, had an impact that the government did not expect. Users, health minister Satyendra Jain said, were making “windows” for hospitals and asymptomatic …

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