Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

Australia wants law to “anonymize” social media trolls

BFM Business

The Australian Prime Minister wants users of social networking sites to be held accountable when they engage in malicious activity and incite hatred. A bill is due to be tabled in parliament early next year. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison introduced legislation to combat online hate on Monday, November 29. These anonymous accounts, “trolls”, were initially targeted for sowing dissent …

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Immigrants: Paris calls on London to end its “double talk”

Il faut un 'accord Union européenne et Grande-Bretagne' car 'cela ne peut pas être un simple accord de réadmission de migrants sur le territoire' français, a déclaré lundi Gérald Darmanin, le ministre de l'Intérieur.

Released November 29, 2021, at 7:25 p.m.Updated November 30, 2021, at 7:22 p.m. Beat the iron while hot. The next day Intergovernmental meeting in Galatasaray dedicated to the immigration crisis , In the end, it was decided to fly the Channel Beach day and night by a Frendex aircraft to prevent the passage of immigrants, putting points on the “i” …

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Plan happy dinners with Celine French Medium at Frogs in London

Plan happy dinners with Celine French Medium at Frogs in London

Last day Pre-arrival calendar : Frogs in London will seduce you with another exclusive deal at the end of 2021. Find the coach and clear Celine French Medium, with a 15% bonus on his packages for application Frenchmen. The media has already guessed how to give you the best vacation. Axes, complete horoscopes, life training … He invites you to …

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Belgium. The banned Uber company in Brussels has caused a stir

Belgium.  The banned Uber company in Brussels has caused a stir

The new chapter in the conflict between local authorities and the multinational company Uber. In Brussels, the Court of Appeal ordered a ban on operating in the capital, Belgium, following a complaint by one of the largest local taxi companies. This time, as in Spain or London, the Belgian judiciary has not decided on the exclusion of staff status for …

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Why the college years are the best time of your life

There are periods in life that are remembered for a lifetime. You want to go back to them again and again. The student years are that time. This stage of life is always full of positivity, bright interesting moments, and a carefree pastime. Is it true that student years are the best time in life? Entering a university or technical …

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Labor shortage in Canada, even Santa is missing

Labor shortage in Canada, even Santa is missing

A few weeks before the annual holiday, Jeff Kilroy of the Just B Glass Agency is tearing his hair out: he only hired 24 Santa Clauses when he needed ten times as much. “I had to say no to 200 events and deny them every day,” he laments. For his part, Eric Icarus has tried everything: invite friends and regular …

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Immigrants-Paris urges London to end double talk

Finance: TIAA nomme PDG l'Afro-Amricaine Thasunda Duckett

PARIS, Nov 29 (Reuters) – The French government is set to resume talks to find an agreement with London on the migration crisis, Interior Minister Gralt Dormann said on Monday. It also calls on Great Britain to open the legal path to allowing asylum seekers into its territory. Gralt Dormann announced that Paris had invited London to reduce its economic …

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Brussels majority parties submit proposal for a temporary solution – ICT actualité

Brussels majority parties submit proposal for a temporary solution - ICT actualité

The four parties in the Brussels parliament (Groen, DéFI, Open Vld and have submitted a proposal for an order to provide a temporary settlement for Uber drivers pending approval by the regional government’s taxi program. . PS refuses to support the text “commanded by Uber”. The U.S. company decided on Friday to close its site, which is used by …

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Immigrants: Paris calls on London to end its “double talk”

Il faut un 'accord Union européenne et Grande-Bretagne' car 'cela ne peut pas être un simple accord de réadmission de migrants sur le territoire' français, a déclaré lundi Gérald Darmanin, le ministre de l'Intérieur.

Posted November 7, 2021, at 7:25 pmUpdated November 30, 2021, at 7:22 p.m. Beat the iron while hot. The next day Intergovernmental meeting in Galatasaray dedicated to the immigration crisis , In the end, it was decided to fly day and night on the Chanel beach by a Frendex plane to prevent the passage of immigrants, putting points in the …

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