Trump News Live: The latest updates when President Mitch McConnell runs

Trump News Live: The latest updates when President Mitch McConnell runs

Following tweets criticizing a Kentucky legislator overnight, Donald Trump has directed his one-time close ally, Mitch McConnell, after Senate Republicans finally acknowledged the victory of President-elect Joe Biden.

Neighbors of the president, who is leaving his Mar-e-Lago private club in Palm Beach, Florida, meanwhile are stunned by his prospect of going there after the presidency, and have initiated legal action to prevent him from making it his permanent home once he leaves. White House.

In even worse news for Mr Trump, he has been ordered to hand over financial documents related to one of his New York properties following allegations that his family and their associates overstated the value of their assets in order to obtain millions in tax breaks.


The United States identifies Switzerland and Vietnam as currency handlers

The U.S. Treasury has appointed Switzerland and Vietnam as currency handlers, one of the final moves made by the Trump administration against international trading partners.

The government department added India, Taiwan and Thailand to its “watch list” because it suspected they were acting to devalue their currencies against the dollar.

The list includes China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Italy, Malaysia and Singapore.

Rory Sullivan16 December 2020 14:14


McConnell pulls out of Trump as Congress approves Christmas Corona virus recovery bill

Griffin Connolly writes that the Senate Majority Leader has not received positive signals for several months about the public bailout of the bilateral agreement.


What the Trump family plans to do next

To Indy Voices, Michael Arkinex provides information on what happens to Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric and Tiffany after the old man is evicted from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue by the Secret Service on January 20th.

Joe Somerlot16 December 2020 13:35


Betsy Devos tells the Department of Education to oppose the Biden administration

Trump’s outgoing education secretary – one of his longtime cabinet members, often because the president is not interested in his field – has encouraged his staff to be “opposed” when the new Biden administration takes office, the new order said in a leaked post.

Betsy Divos spoke at a department-level virtual meeting on Tuesday about the transition to the new administration. Quoting a post from the meeting, Politics Divos quotes: “I leave you with this request: to resist.

“Resist the forces that prevent you from doing what is right for students. In everything you do, please put students first – always.”

Joe Somerlot16 December 2020 13:15


Iran says Biden administration does not guarantee better relations

Iran’s top president and its president have welcomed the immediate end of Donald Trump’s presidency, but have said their country’s relationship with the United States is not guaranteed to improve under incoming administration.

In a televised address to his cabinet, President Hassan Rouhani said: “The upcoming US administration can choose what to do. The path is open. If they are grateful or ungrateful it is theirs.

Rory Sullivan16 December 2020 12:46


GOP senators acknowledge Biden’s victory

After Mitch McConnell publicly congratulated Joe Biden on winning the presidency, other GOP senators have followed suit.

Trump ally Lindsay Graham from South Carolina and Mitt Romney from Utah confirmed their talks with Mr Biden.

This comes as Donald Trump and his supporters continue to spread myths about election fraud in the November election.

Rory Sullivan16 December 2020 12:28


Elizabeth Warren’s book ‘Persist’ is due out in April

Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren is releasing a new book, Persist, in April, according to her publisher.

The Massachusetts Democrats have been associated with the word “stay” since Republicans tried to silence her in Congress in 2017.

Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell commented on his speech against the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General: Warren was delivering a long speech. She seemed to be breaking the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she continued. “

Rory Sullivan16 December 2020 11:59


Trump runs McCann

Donald Trump has fired his longtime ally Mitch McCann after the Kentucky legislator admitted Tuesday that Joe Biden won the presidential election.

The current president retweeted a news article Daily Mail It cited tweets from Trump loyalists questioning Mr McConnell’s allegiance to the United States.

My co-worker Matt Mothers There are many more in this story of the Republican fight:

Rory Sullivan16 December 2020 11:41


Pattikik was initially openly ready to be a member of the LGBT + cabinet

He ran against the 38-year-old Mr Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate earlier this year.

Rights groups hailed the president-elect’s decision, saying it was “a new milestone in a decades-long effort” to have LGBT + representation in the US government.

“Its impact will be beyond the field he leads,” said Annis Parker, president of LGBT Success.

Rory Sullivan16 December 2020 11:21


Mitch McConnell tells GOP senators not to compete in the EC decision

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned fellow Republican senators not to run in the end of the election college vote because it could have a negative impact on GOP candidates in the Georgia Senate race.

The move, which alienated Mr McConnell from Donald Trump after he acknowledged Joe Biden as the next US president, continues to spread lies about voter fraud in last month’s election.

Rory Sullivan16 December 2020 10:53

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