Trump News - Direct: Defeated President Says 'We Will Win' as he labels 'abuse of power' again

Trump News – Direct: Defeated President Says ‘We Will Win’ as he labels ‘abuse of power’ again

Donald Trump has been at least publicly saying on Twitter that “we will win” the election he lost to Joe Biden, even though the official change has begun.

His social media account was filled overnight by allegations of US election conspiracy and complaints about the corona virus and the political left. In addition, he announced that he had pardoned his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who admitted to lying to the FBI during Russia’s investigation.

Democrat Nancy Pelosi, a spokeswoman for the House of Representatives, called the apology an “abuse of power.”

Meanwhile, Joe Biden used a live-stream Thanksgiving address to call for unity, saying to Americans: “We must remember that we are fighting the virus, not with each other, not with each other.”


Trump’s ‘zombie’ election strategy

Republicans affiliated with Donald Trump are fearful that their political base will be alienated, allowing the worst “fraudulent” campaign fraud claims to continue, experts say.

Despite dozens of legal and practical setbacks, Mr Trump’s team is facing new challenges, putting forward hopeless and new, unsubstantiated fraudulent claims that they will succeed.

While the winner is clear, there is no evidence of mass voter fraud, and the president’s covert claims are suspiciously affecting the country.

“Zombies are living with the dead – this case is the same,” said Franida Dolson, a law professor at the Gold School of Law in Southern California. “In terms of cases that could change the election, all of these cases are basically walking dead men.”

Thomas Mann, a senior resident scholar at the Government Research Institute at the University of California, Berkeley, added: “This is really our version of a decent conspiracy.

“If the Republicans agree on what’s going on, it’s over quickly. But they face contact with Trump’s base.”

John Sherman26 November 2020 13:21


Obama says Republicans portrayed whites as ‘victims’ to win votes for Trump

The former president, who spoke in his new book A Promised Land, told white male Americans during the last presidential campaign that “Democrats do not believe in Christmas, you know, only care about minorities and black people, you’re trying to carry your stuff, you’re trying to carry your guns.”

John Sherman26 November 2020 13:07


The report says Trump told Pence and Pompeo that he plans to run in 2024

Donald Trump plans to run for president again in 2024 with Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence, according to a statement.

Bloomberg He quoted the two as “explaining the conversation” that the president had informed his secretary of state and vice president of his plan in the Oval Office 10 days after the election.

In that room, National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, Bloomberg responded to his boss: “If you do, I think I’m talking to everyone in the room, and we’re 100 percent with you.”

However, Mr Pompeo and Mr Pence did not say anything, the Bloomberg report said.

Mr Pompeo is widely said to have presidential aspirations, while Mr Pence may be an option for the Republican 2024 nomination.

John Sherman26 November 2020 12:51


‘We are fighting the virus, not each other’: Biden delivers thank-you speech from Govt.

Joe Biden appeals to Americans who have been separated from their families during the Corona virus epidemic, echoing the loss of his own family, to draw “hope, courage and sacrifice” during the Thanksgiving holidays. Writes Alex Woodward.

“Service to the country, service to one another, and gratitude for facing adversity are all part of what it means to be grateful in the United States,” he noted from Delaware on Wednesday.

John Sherman26 November 2020 12:45


John Sherman26 November 2020 12:12


Kamala Harris says Mike Pence has not spoken to her yet

Kamala Harris has revealed that she has not spoken to her opponent and current vice president, Mike Pence, since the presidential election was called. Writes Gino Spoccia.

Mr Harris, who was elected vice president nearly three weeks ago, told reporters Wednesday that neither Mr Pence nor Republican leader Mitch McConnell had spoken to The Hill.

John Sherman26 November 2020 11:51


The Trump administration is appealing a ruling that barred the expulsion of immigrant children

The U.S. government on Wednesday appealed a judge’s order barring the deportation of children from across the border, which was passed during corona virus outbreaks to deny child asylum protection.

Judge Emmett Sullivan issued a preliminary injunction on November 18 by immigration attorneys barring the eviction of unsupported children under public health laws.

The Department of Justice filed an appeal notice Wednesday night in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Judge Sullivan said the restraining order was pending, a request he had previously denied.

Since March, border agents have expelled 200,000 migrant adults and children, citing the need to prevent the spread of the virus and the spread of Covid 19 across border communities and across the country.

Judge Sullivan’s order covers only children who cross the border without parents, not adults or parents and children. At least 8,800 helpless children have been evicted without the opportunity to seek asylum or talk to a lawyer. Although the Trump administration has detained hundreds of children for weeks or weeks in hotels near the U.S.-Mexico border, most people are evacuated within hours or days.

John Sherman26 November 2020 11:21


U.S. Govt epidemic forces Disney to lay off more than 30,000 workers in first half of 2021

Walt Disney has announced it will lay off 32,000 employees amid the current corona virus outbreak. Writes James Crump.

That number is up from 28,000 previously announced by the company, and includes staff primarily from its theme parks in the United States, according to Reuters.

John Sherman26 November 2020 10:41


U.S. politicians are calling for a public inquiry into the murder of human rights lawyer Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson’s government has called on leading figures in Washington to “end the years of delay” and set up a public inquiry into the 1989 murder of human rights lawyer Pat Finncan. Writes Adam Forrest.

Mr Fincon, 39, was shot dead by loyal paramilitaries at his home in Northern Ireland, and his family has been trying for the past 31 years to establish a joint scale with British security forces.

A 24-member panel of the US Congress – Republicans and Democrats – has written to the Prime Minister accusing the British government of “breach of trust” in the case.

John Sherman26 November 2020 10:18


Stephen Bonan replaces lawyers in border wall finance case

A prominent Washington lawyer told a judge Wednesday against allegations that Donald Trump’s former chief strategist cheated donors to a southern border wall, saying he was no longer the right lawyer for the job.

William A. Burke sent a letter to the trial judge in Manhattan Federal Court, saying that he and Stephen Bonn had agreed that the new lawyers were the most appropriate for Mr Bunnon’s defense strategy.

John Sherman26 November 2020 10:02

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