Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

Uber vs FeBet: Constitutional Court Requested, UberX Application Still Pending

Uber vs FeBet: Constitutional Court Requested, UberX Application Still Pending

The Brussels Court of Appeal on Friday raised two preliminary questions in the Constitutional Court to clarify the case brought by the Belgian Taxi Federation (FFET) against drivers working with Uber and UberX applications. Drivers, pending improvement in practice, may continue to use Uber in the Brussels region. “The Brussels Court of Appeals allows For 2,000 drivers with LVC licenses …

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This funny America is waiting for Joe Biden

This funny America is waiting for Joe Biden

Many of them refuse to submit to the “globalized and corrupt power” of their new president. Report from Pennsylvania. Loyal. Mass in front of coffee at Independence Biker Church in York on January 10th. The city voted 61.5% for Donald Trump in the presidential election. From our Special Correspondent in York, Claire Manial Posted on 01/16/2021 at 9:00 am. Copied …

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Before Biden’s arrival, Mike Pompeo gets a chance to let America’s all round enemies

Avant l'arrivée de Biden, Mike Pompeo profite pour sanctionner tous azimuts les adversaires des Etats-Unis

In the avalanche of reports, he first targeted companies based in Iran, China or the United Arab Emirates, and was already accused of using the Iranian maritime sector in the US block list. He has stepped up punitive action against several Iranian companies in the maritime, aerospace and aerospace sectors for contributing to the “proliferation” of conventional weapons in the …

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Coach-Dart abandoned Carrefour | Montreal Journal

Coach-Dart abandoned Carrefour |  Montreal Journal

Alain Bouchard, the founding president of the Quebec company, surrendered Friday evening. Millionaire businessman Mr. He apparently went to Paris to meet Le Myre, but the discussions were fruitless. In the afternoon of Quebec time, Reuters revealed that the management of Koch-Dort had resigned to abandon its $ 25 billion plan, which was intended to avert an Atlantic political storm. …

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Australia supports environmental monitoring of aquaculture wetlands in the Cà Mau

Australia supports environmental monitoring of aquaculture wetlands in the Cà Mau

The province of Cà Mau on Friday, January 15, launched a project for the Ecological Surveillance System for aquaculture wetlands, which put more than A $ 500,000 (approximately US $ 500,000) within the framework of grants for the “Aus4Innovation” invention. Business Alliance Day in Fisheries in Cà MauEVFDA agreement and sustainable development of fisheries Evaluating the activities of the Department …

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Macron accuses Macron of “talking nonsense” about soybeans

On Tuesday, the French president recommended increasing soybean production in Europe rather than importing it to Brazil, which “must be in line with (our) environmental aspirations”. The new crisis between Jair Bolsanaro and Emmanuel Macron? The Brazilian president on Thursday accused his French opponent of “nonsense” that Europe’s reliance on Brazilian soybeans “supports the deforestation of the Amazon”. “By the …

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Pfizer said many countries were concerned about a temporary reduction in vaccine exports to Europe in early February

Pfizer said many countries were concerned about a temporary reduction in vaccine exports to Europe in early February

Will Europeans be as vulnerable as they are vaccinated? Pfizer, a US laboratory that manufactures Bioentech, one of the two vaccines currently available in Europe against Covit-19, announced on Friday 15 January calls for a temporary reduction in the supply of new quantities to countries on the continent. “Late January to early February”. He explains this decision as a result …

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From Australia to Giron, she spent a horrible prison sentence!

From Australia to Giron, she spent a horrible prison sentence!

Karima Olmi returned to the street almost without insurance, without an air ticket. An interest in discoveries and human encounters, the Globrotter was not afraid of strangers, but her Australian experience marked her. After a job in Japan and entering Vietnam, he went on a road trip from Perth to the island continent with a friend in late February 2020. …

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Argentina: Official Legal Abortion –

Argentina: Official Legal Abortion -

In Argentina, abortion is now officially legal, approved by Parliament on Thursday, January 14, President Alberto Fernandez on December 30. The largest country in Latin America … The French press reported that its application would go into effect in the official press on Friday, January 15, eight days after the law was published. TheArgentina, With a population of 45 million, …

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Tower of London: The famous Guardian Queen is missing

Tower of London: The famous Guardian Queen is missing

C ‘A missing one that shakes England. The Queen of the Crows of the Tower of London is missing, lamented by her master Chris Skyfe this Thursday, January 14, 2021, making it clear that seven birds still live in the area. Legend has it that this condition was necessary to prevent the fall of the kingdom, because if all the …

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