In October 2017, astronomers and astronomers around the world discussed the ‘identity’ of a foreign object. From its trajectory and speed, it is known to have come from outside the solar system, but nothing else. They could not even accept that it was a comet or an asteroid. Next year, the famous Harvard astronomer Abraham ‘Avi’ Lob And a colleague he recommended In a study This galaxy viewer is actually a ship built by an alien civilization.
As astronomer Carl Sagan once said, the article was highly criticized by most experts in the field because it “requires extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims”. In this case, if there is such evidence, it is very difficult to obtain: the object, named Omuvamuwa, When it was discovered our cosmic neighborhood was moving fast from side to side.
Loeb wrote hundreds of scientific papers and relied on his hypothesis about Omwamuwa A book published this month, In which he explains how he came to that conclusion. He called it “extraterrestrial: humanity as the first sign of extraterrestrial intelligent life.”
The mystery of Omuvamuwa
In Hawaiian, “Explorer” Omuvamuwa (because it detected the location of the telescope) was originally thought to be a comet. However, it did not leave a trace from its evaporation. This allowed the way it reflected sunlight to determine its eccentric shape, a kind of ‘cigar’ 200 meters long and 35 meters wide.
Representation of Omuwamuwa. Credit: ESO.
On the other hand, the data indicate that it was 10 times brighter than a typical asteroid in the solar system, but it did not emit heat or radiation. However, there was one detail for those who read Omwamuwa. As it moved away from the Sun, the object was accelerated instead of slowly by the gravitational force of the star.
Which force drives the object? According to the Israeli astronomer, the simplest explanation is that Omomuwa is an artificial origin: An operational cruise or solar voyage, An advanced technological artifact powered by solar radiation such as IKAROS, built by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and bound to Venus in 2010.
According to other scientists, this is a disorder that must be explained by natural causes, a task that has not yet been successful because new hypotheses about its origin are not conclusive or Denied.
“The Greatest Discovery in History”
Lope did not deny that explanations other than him were sought, but rather that most of his colleagues mocked the notion that the material was artificial or did not want to discuss that possibility.
According to him at a press conference, he feels it Many scientists try to explain new phenomena only on the basis of what they know.
“You can collect a lot of information, but if you have a wrong idea about how to collect this information, you are wrong,” he told La Replica.
“They need to see the evidence. If the evidence is contradictory, we need to find out why, ”he said.
In his words, we are faced with what could be the “greatest discovery in the history of mankind” and this possibility has not been taken lightly.
Lope considers that even though Omuvamuwa is gone forever, it is not too late to verify that we are not alone in the universe. Therefore, he proposes to astronomers that they should be ready for future arrivals of galaxies, not necessarily pilot ships, but artifacts from extinct civilizations, i.e. the studies we send from the solar system and those that continue to orbit the galaxy even after the end of mankind.