Trump News Live: Latest Updates as President Swears 'Big Case' in Bizarre Re-Tweet Spree

Trump News Live: Latest Updates as President Swears ‘Big Case’ in Bizarre Re-Tweet Spree

Donald Trump claims to present “very detailed” evidence of widespread ballot fraud and other wrongdoing in the “big case.” His tweet announcing the plan does not explain why he has not already presented that evidence in the many cases his team has put forward in recent weeks.

The president continued his misguided campaign on Tuesday, encouraging actor Randy Coyote to hold a full re-run of the vote – despite his administration finally beginning the official process to hand over Joe Biden’s leadership a day earlier.

In an early morning retweet, Mr. Trump said, “Fox is dead to me!” Mr Coyd promoted the announcement. – Right-wing commentator Laura Ingraham followed up with an excerpt last night, in which longtime Fox News host Mr Biden acknowledged that he would be the next president.

Meanwhile, President-elect Kamala Harris is set to formally unveil her cabinet members at an event this afternoon. The list includes Avril Hines, director of national intelligence, the first woman to hold the post, and Anthony Blingen, secretary of state.


Iran’s top leader rejects idea of ​​new talks with West

Iran’s top leader has rejected the idea of ​​resuming talks with the JCPOA when Joe Biden becomes president.

Mr Biden said he wanted to rejoin the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which he signed as vice president, and since then Donald Trump has withdrawn from the United States – advancing a breakthrough in Tehran’s nuclear program.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s announcement came as the Tehran government spoke with confidence about the return of foreign companies “in the absence of Trump” and his sanctions.

Washington wants Iran to control missile programs that are not under the nuclear deal and reduce its intervention in the Middle East. Iran has long said it will not negotiate on missiles, and no talks can begin unless the United States returns to the nuclear deal and unconditionally lifts sanctions.

In a statement issued on state television on Tuesday, Ayatollah Khamenei expressed skepticism about the entire plan to negotiate with the West.

“They interfere in regional affairs, they tell us not to interfere. When there are nuclear missiles in Britain and France, they tell us not to have missiles. What does this have to do with you? You have to correct yourself first.”

John Sherman24 November 2020 13:37


Trump says he is filing a ‘big lawsuit’ with real evidence of voter fraud

Donald Trump wakes up and tweets. Mostly, it’s a re-tweet-fest, but the president has taken the time to design his own message.

Mr Trump, who promotes the Breitbart poll, says his supporters believe false allegations of voter fraud and election fraud: “Our big case of ballot fraud and so on will be settled soon.”

It is not clear why that detailed evidence has not already been presented in the more than 30 cases that Mr Trump supporters have already filed and lost. The message is “My girlfriend is going to another school and you will never know her”.

The leader of the Independent World used his time to promote the demands of actor Randy Coyote and to completely re-run the election, and his announcement that supporters should watch OAN and Newsmax instead of Fox News.

John Sherman24 November 2020 12:51


Poland refuses to officially recognize Biden as president-elect, despite GSA confirmation of victory

Despite the fact that the US Public Service Administration last night handed over the keys to the White House to him, Poland still refuses to officially acknowledge Joe Biden as president-elect. Writes Matt Mothers.

Warsaw will wait for further “political advances” and the end of outgoing President Donald Trump’s legal challenges before recognizing Mr Biden as the 46th president of the United States, Foreign Minister Zibiknev Rao said on Tuesday.

John Sherman24 November 2020 12:20


Europe hopes to be treated as a ‘full and equal partner’ with the United States under Python

At an event in Berlin, Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva said the EU was looking forward to a new phase of trade talks, with its language being a major objection to talks with the Trump administration.

He said: “We were permanently treated by our American friends, not as friends and allies of the Trump administration, but rather as enemies or foes.

“We were always asked to choose: either you are with us, the Americans, or you are with China.”

“Of course we are with the Americans, but not as a small ally, not as a follower … It is a question of being a full and equal partner of the United States.”

Portugal is set to hold the rotating presidency of the European Union from the end of December, taking over from Germany.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Moss has called for the Europeans to “leave our places” in a “damage control” manner over the years in the wake of the Berlin incident, and to take on more responsibility near home under a “new agreement” with Washington.

John Sherman24 November 2020 12:06


Trump’s millionaire friend and donor backs Biden change committee and calls him president-elect

Ronald S. Lauder, a longtime friend of Donald Trump, called Joe Biden “President-elect” and praised his appointment of Anthony J. Blingen as Secretary of State. Writes James Crump.

On Sunday, the millionaire, president of the World Jewish Congress, issued a statement praising Mr Biden’s appointment as longtime diplomat to the Interim Committee.

John Sherman24 November 2020 11:38


Twitter to warn users if they ‘like’ false tweets

In its latest attempt to prevent the spread of fake news, Twitter will now warn users that it wants the wrong tweet.

The social network has cut through the countless lies spread by Donald Trump and others around the US election.

The social network started showing labels under posts with controversial details earlier this year. It says there is a 29 percent reduction in quote tweets that spread misinformation.

The company said: “Our election, given the context of why a labeled tweet under Covid-19 is misleading and the rules of artificial and manipulated media are very important.

“These triggers helped reduce the number of tweets quoting misinformation by 29%, so we expand them to show when you tap the named tweet you like.”

John Sherman24 November 2020 11:27


The sesame street appearance of Secretary of State Blington will reappear as soon as it is announced

Following the announcement, the sesame street appearance of the state-elected Blingen will reappear

John Sherman24 November 2020 11:22


Trump’s humorous attack on a thank-you turkey for ‘refusing to admit’

Scenes of Donald Trump criticizing a turkey for refusing to accept defeat at the annual White House turf apology contest have resurfaced, which has garnered great attention on social media. Writes Katie Anderson.

The 2018 flashback shows the President jokingly scolding the “carrot” bird for refusing to accept the outcome of a “fair and open election.”

John Sherman24 November 2020 10:42


‘A passing attempt in adolescence’: Stacy Abrams reacts strongly to Trump finally launching change

Stacy Abrams reacted strongly to Donald Trump’s final approval of the change.

The outgoing president announced on Twitter that he had approved the GSA to work with the hitherto banned Joe Biden alternative committee.

John Sherman24 November 2020 10:34


#icymi Michigan Electoral Board certifies results of presidential election, seal Biden’s state victory

Despite attempts to undermine Donald Trump’s results and delay President-elect Joe Biden’s move to the White House, the Michigan Board responsible for certifying state election results has approved votes from the 2020 election. Writes Alex Woodward.

The poll confirming the results moves Mr Pitney Swing closer to getting 16 electoral college votes in the state.

John Sherman24 November 2020 10:29

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