
North Korea says it can ‘pay more’ in the South to suspect claim of Govt absence Corona virus

Kim Jong-un’s influential sister has launched a scathing verbal attack on South Korea’s foreign minister. Kim Yo-young, The sister of the North Korean leader, described Kang Kyung-wa’s comments as “irresponsible” and accused him of trying to damage existing relations between Pyongyang and Seoul. Kong said last weekend that it was hard to believe the North’s insistence that the corona virus …

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‘Being young’ leads to detention in China’s Xinjiang region | உய்குர்கள்

The infrequent leak of a prisoner list from a Chinese detention camp shows how a government data program targets Muslim minorities for detaining offenses, including being young, or talking to a sibling living abroad. The Human Rights Watch (HRW) database sheds new light on how officials work Xinjiang The region uses a broad “forecast police” network to monitor individuals’ personal …

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The GOP leadership rejects the resolution acknowledging that Pita has been elected president

The GOP leadership rejects the resolution acknowledging that Pita has been elected president

The rejection came at a private meeting on Tuesday after House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer presented a resolution calling for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Missouri Rules Committee Chairman Roy Blunt voted in favor of House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy in blocking the resolution, effectively preventing the opening …

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Mount Everest is now officially about 30 feet high

Mount Everest is now officially about 30 feet high

The highest point on Earth rose slightly on Tuesday – with the new approval scale for Mount Everest, the summit was almost 30 feet higher than it was first calculated 164 years ago. The height of the mountain has been the subject of heated debate since 1856 when a British team calculated it to be 29,002 feet. But China and …

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Pilot Chuck Yeager 97 | American News

American pilot Chuck Yeager, who became the first person to break the sound barrier and later immortalized in The Right Stuff, has died at the age of 97. “It simply came to our notice then [with] Deeply saddened, I have to tell you that General Chuck Yeager, the love of my life, passed away before 9pm ET, ”Victoria Yeager said …

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Melania Trump backtracks on the White House tennis pavilion

Melania Trump backtracks on the White House tennis pavilion

US First Lady Melania Trump has caused another setback online after celebrating the completion of the new tennis pavilion at the White House. Mrs. Trump Critics have suggested that this announcement was not relevant Worst case scenario of corona virus infection in USA. We will get back to that reaction soon. However, first of all, I would like to note …

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‘Strong together’: Taiwan Foreign Minister urges new alliance against China | World News

The international community must unite to oppose China’s expansion and prevent invasion Taiwan Taiwan’s foreign minister has said that by sharing intelligence, reconsidering Chinese trade relations and increasing Taipei’s presence on the world stage. In an interview with the Guardian, Joseph Wu, China’s operations in the South China and East China Seas, its Border conflicts with India, And its Oppression …

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The Saudi prince sharply criticized Israel at the Bahrain summit

The Saudi prince sharply criticized Israel at the Bahrain summit

DUBAI: A prominent Saudi prince on Sunday sharply criticized Israel at a Bahraini defense summit attended by the Israeli foreign minister at a distance, saying the Palestinian government is in no position to make any agreement between the Arab states and Israel independent. Prince Turki al-Faisal’s outspoken comments in the Manama conversation seemed to hold the Israeli foreign minister unprotected, …

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