
Corona virus live news: South Korea records high epidemics daily World News

Tractor trailers loaded with suitcase-sized containers of the Govit-19 vaccine will depart from the Pfizer Inc. manufacturing facility in Kalamazoo, Michigan on Sunday morning – Reuters reports that the virus is launching the largest and most complex vaccine distribution program in the United States. U.S. regulators authorized the use of the vaccine from Pfizer and partner Bioendech late Friday, and …

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No deal Brexit: Navy boats on standby to protect UK waters

No deal Brexit: Navy boats on standby to protect UK waters

“Measures taken to protect our rights as an independent coastal state” include a large number of patrol vessels in the military and maritime systems, which are used to provide physical presence, prevention and inspection capability, the ministry said in a statement. The ministry said four maritime patrol vessels would be “available to patrol UK waters to assist other government departments …

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Bad Zodiac Killer Symbol Message ‘Cracked’ For Over 50 Years | U.S. News

Letters sent to the San Francisco Chronicle by a man who called himself Zodiac

Amateur detectives seem to have broken one of the worst zodiac killer coded messages – more than 50 years after it was sent. The killer was confirmed to have killed or shot five people in Northern California in the 1960s, although he is believed to have committed more murders. He was called the Zodiac Killer after sending disgusting letters and …

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Putin’s ‘Doomsday plane’ was broken into and equipment looted

Putin's 'Doomsday plane' was broken into and equipment looted

The so-called “doomsday plane” of Russia – used by Vladimir Putin in the event of a nuclear attack – had its equipment broken down and removed. The Moscow Times reports that thieves attacked an Ilyushin-80 while performing maintenance work at an airport in the southern Russian city of Dakanrok, broke into a cargo hut and swiped $ 13,600 worth of …

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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been named the 2020 Person of the Year

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been named the 2020 Person of the Year

As the year draws to a close, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have claimed another win – albeit much smaller than last month – after being named Time Magazine’s Person (or Persons). The President– and Vice President-Not only judgment Donald Trump (A sentiment they already know after last month’s presidential election), but other shortlisted contestants include “leading health workers and …

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Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin strongly condemned the Texas case to overturn the election results.

Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin strongly condemned the Texas case to overturn the election results.

The Pennsylvania case describes the move by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, backed by Donald Trump, who claims that the judicial process uses a “cocoon of pseudo-claims” in support of “treason abuse” and believes in a “surreal alternative reality.” State Attorney General Josh Shapiro writes: “Texas is trying to invalidate elections in four states. The claim that this Court must …

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The Texas case could lead to Trump apologizing

The Texas case could lead to Trump apologizing

The American politician at the center of a bold attempt to help Donald Trump become president should not have in mind the future position of the commander. According to a wild theory, he will apologize to the president following allegations of bribery. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton yesterday announced his intention to sue Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In the …

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United Arab Emirates says China’s synoform vaccine has 86% efficacy against Govit-19

United Arab Emirates says China's synoform vaccine has 86% efficacy against Govit-19

The results of the vaccine are based on an interim analysis of clinical trials launched by the United Arab Emirates in July, the health ministry said. Although some details have been provided, the report refers to publicly published information on the effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine, which was developed by the Chinese National Biotech Group (CNPG), a division of Sinoform. …

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US election 2024 Republican believers are threatened by Donald Trump running again

US election 2024 Republican believers are threatened by Donald Trump running again

When a party loses the White House, the new crop of presidential confidence usually begins to move quickly to lay the groundwork for a run in the next campaign. Not this year. President Donald Trump’s blatant flirtations to run again in 2024 are crippling a wide field of Republican candidates. Instead of accessing fundraisers, building networks and visiting early voting …

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