Arkady Rottenberg, Member Wealthy family in Russia, Telegram published an interview on the Mash website (in Russia, Telegram is a popular news channel) in which he claims to have bought the property described by Navalny for himself. “I can no longer hide this, it’s mine,” says Rottenberg, whose family has $ 5 billion in assets.
Alexei Navalny claims that the government funded Putin’s property, and that part of the money came from bribes to the Russian president. Putin himself A few days ago he said that this house was not his and he did not know who owned it.
However, both interpretations are not very credible. Rottenberg and Putin are childhood friends in Leningrad and have a very close relationship to this day. Thanks to them Rottenberg and his brother became principals in the field of mineral extraction, housing and road construction in Russia. Both are on the Forbes monthly list of the richest people in the world. It is difficult to imagine that Putin did not know About a vast estate Built by his close friend, it is protected from land, air and sea by the Russian secret police and is partly on land leased by the same secret police.
Navalny’s full statement on Putin’s palace (in Russian with subtitles in English):
“Social mediaholic. Tv fanatic. Gamer. Professional explorer. Amateur music junkie.”