Ancient skulls and bones discovered stacked during Mexico construction project

Archaeologists in Mexico have uncovered a stunning discovery of ancient skulls and bones stacked on top of each other in Pozo de Ibarra, Jalisco. The find, made while observing the construction of a sanitary sewage network, is shedding light on funeral practices in the region during a certain era.

The bones were arranged in a complex funerary system, with skulls in one area and long bones in another. Seven complete skulls were found, likely belonging to male individuals of various ages. Some skulls even showed signs of cranial modification for aesthetic purposes.

Interestingly, the bones were placed in patterns after becoming skeletonized, suggesting a unique and sophisticated burial practice. It is still unclear why the burial was conducted in this manner, as there are no known precedents for this type of funeral.

One theory suggests that the men may have been from the same family and were buried as part of a rite to found a settlement. The practice may date back to the Amapa cultural era, which spanned from 500-800 or 850 AD.

Ceramic vessels and figurines found at the site are helping archaeologists determine the time frame of the discovery. The remains will be carefully protected and preserved for further research by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).

This remarkable find is providing valuable insight into the ancient funeral practices of the region and has sparked new questions about the cultural and social norms of the time. The discovery promises to deepen our understanding of the history and traditions of the people who once inhabited this area.

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