Surprisingly, 5G is not yet a consumer dream

Surprisingly, 5G is not yet a consumer dream

In presenting its results in the first quarter, Focus Telecom acknowledged that 5G is not yet very popular among users. The latest generation network operator accounts for less than 1% of traffic.

Despite a strong advertising and media presence (including here), 5G has not become the new debit of overnight consumers. However, this is exactly what Box Telecom put forward when presenting its quarterly results, to be honest, this is not really surprising. “Coming to a slow start based on 5G usage“, Oliver Russett, General Manager of Operator commented *Echoes *. “People don’t get up in the morning and tell themselves: I need 5G. Today, this is less than 1% of the traffic on our network.

Businesses for recovery?

If Bouygues was the first operator to acknowledge the lack of glamor of 5G at this time, there is no doubt that the situation for competition is the same. Although the deployment of dedicated sites continues at a good pace (1,363 antennas installed in April 2021), several factors are at work in adopting the technology: updating smartphones to compatible terminals, the standard is still low. 4G, higher project cost …

From the outset, it was clear that the primary interest in 5G would initially be sought on the part of companies. In Pro programs already exist, And the speed allowed by the last generation network to produce their first effects by 2023. However, these first stumbling blocks did not prevent Focus Telecom from getting the best results in the first quarter. Operator, whoSecond best 5G coverage Behind Free (in terms of number of sites) has a total of 14.3 million customers, which helped well A few months ago, the acquisition of EI Telecom.

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