Google Spring Cleanup: Updates Play Store and closes two apps

Google Spring Cleanup: Updates Play Store and closes two apps

News day for applications Google, This, Starting from the Play Store It is aesthetically updated until another closure of a service. In fact, they are twofold to tell the truth: Item Gallery and Google Shopping. If we’re sure of the new graphic interface of the Mountain View Virtual Store – Roll Out is active, and In pixel 4 xl The editorial office is already active – since it is a (dual) hypothesis arising from the analysis of the application code, we cannot say that the two closures are identical.

Google Leave the hamburger menu And replaces it with a plus Elegant You can access the menu by clicking on your profile picture (icon in the top right, so to speak). So the Play Store adapts the graphics, already seen in photos and maps, to clear and touch via Android gesture.

If you have multiple Google Accounts on your smartphone, each of these can be accessed by clicking the drop-down menu next to your name / email address. All the classic options are included in the window that opens in the center of the page, although there are some small messages in this regard: Payments and subscriptions, for example, are under the same item.

Play points, My apps and games, collection, game protection, announcements and offers, Play Pass, settings and help and feedback will be displayed. When it comes to settings, there are now four categories – General, User Controls, Family, Information – each with several sub-categories that can be accessed from the drop-down menu. Again, the purpose of Google Make different screens easier and no load. Successful test?

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Here are two that Google is preparing to reach the grave with the updated app: After the crisis map, Next Go for a better life They can actually be a shopping and material gallery. In both cases, the strings of the code express the company’s intentions:

  • Item Gallery: Here we are talking about disabling the mobile version for Android (presumably the same rule applies to iOS number). Google’s mission is to convert the entire service to a web application. Must be the end of the service dateJuly 8, 2021. This is a hypothesis that, at this time, has not yet been confirmed by Mountain View.
  • Google Shopping: Another utility destined to close is shopping. Version 59 hides a clue and thinks it’s next Victim Portal for her both, purchase: strings beginning with “sunset”, “The application is currently unavailable“In short, it makes us think of all the messages that are ready to appear on the screen as soon as Google decides to stop the service through the app. Other methods of purchasing over the Internet are active.

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