Three candidates to acquire Desange hairdressing salon

Three candidates to acquire Desange hairdressing salon

Nice hairdresser Pascal Coste, the Provenியன்als group (Frank Provost, Jean-Louis David …) and the private equity group LFPI have expressed their interest in acquiring Desange International.

Investment firm Eurasio was sold several months ago, and Desange International is looking for a buyer. According to Sunday newspaper, Three candidates are interested in acquiring a network of long-standing hairdressing salons by “star hairdresser” who died in January 2020.

The list of candidates includes Nice hairdresser Pascal Coste and his 250 salons. If he is now looking at a famous competitor, it is because the capture of Desange International will allow him to enter the world elite. The 55-year-old entrepreneur will move up to 4th place globally, adding almost half of Desange’s revenue (89 million euros in 2019) to 50 million euros in 2019 and 65 million euros in 2021.

The Pascal Coste Group has already spoken with Desangai’s current management, which is ready to make “over 100 million euros” in a transaction that could be finalized within a month.

Provolians and LFPI funds also operate

However, Pascal Coste will be behind American leaders Regis Corporation (Super Cuts, Cast Cutters, Regis Silence), Great Clips and French band Provolians (Frank Provost, Jean-Louis David, Coff & Co). The latter is also a candidate for the takeover of Desange International. Finally, LFPI (Law Financier Patrimonial Investment), a private equity group established by two management partners of Lazard Bank, has expressed interest.

The fight between the three rivals to buy the Desange Salon network is set to heat up in the coming weeks. The volume of the transaction is estimated at 150 million euros. In 2010, when Jack Desange sold his shares to Eurasio, the company was valued at மில்லியன் 80 million.

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