Netflix signs partnership with Cinematech Franchise

Netflix signs partnership with Cinematech Franchise

After MK2, Netflix teamed up with Cinematech Franchise to revive the 1927 film and organize joint conferences and screenings. An additional way to settle a little more on the landscape of Hexagon 7th Art.

To gain its place in the hearts of French moviegoers (and if possible accelerate the relaxation of the media timeline), Netflix is ​​accelerating its bow. Following its partnership with MK2 a few months ago, Los Cados continues to acquire the French 7th Art Company. During this time an agreement was signed with French cinema around two projects.

Catering and Joint Conferences

First, Netflix will help reset the image Napoleon Published by Abel Kansal in 1927. The U.S. company joins a work that began in 2008 at the end of 2021 with a seven-hour edition to be seen tomorrow. It has already participated in the same kind of project by injecting $ 5 million into Orson Welles’ unfinished film, The other side of the wind, Finally released on stage in 2018.

Then, the collaboration between the two companies should lead to meetings and special screenings. “An approach from the initiatives taken in 2020: Maraki and Alan Paul revolve around the process of creating a master class ‘The Eddie’ series with the French virtual premiere of ‘Monk’ and Damien Chasselle, Houda Benjamina and Laszla, marking the arrival of David Pincher; Describes SVoD service to our colleagues Box Office Pro. The latter also recalls that Netflix already has continued partnerships with the Christine Cinema Club (Arthouse Cinema in Paris, editor’s note) for a few event sessions.

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