The best combination for winter solstice today: Learn where, when, and how

The best combination for winter solstice today: Learn where, when, and how

This year will see a rare astronomical event in the winter solstice – the biggest coincidence of Jupiter and Saturn. Saying that it is true that there is a silver lining to every cloud, suffering from the ‘2020 epidemic is bringing a year of treatment for all of us. Google Celebrates Winter Solstice and Best Conference with its latest doodles. Without any special equipment, you can get a glimpse of the great connection that is happening today for the first time in 400 years.

On December 21, there is a winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, which is the shortest day and longest night of the year, when the sun is at its lowest daily maximum. The opposite is true in the southern hemisphere, where it is called the December solstice or summer solstice. The Priha deal occurs when Jupiter and Saturn converge in view of the Earth. This living planetary coincidence that happens tonight is also known as the ‘Christmas Star’.

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According to NASA astronomer Henry Trope, “You can imagine the solar system as a race, with each planet in its own orbit and a runner toward the center of the Earth’s orbit. . “

The planets in the solar system constantly cross each other. The positions of Jupiter and Saturn converge in the sky once every 20 years. But this year’s astronomical scene is particularly rare for some reason – it is almost 400 years since the two planets passed close to each other in the sky. The last time this happened was in 1623, 13 years after Galileo Galilei built his first telescope, named ‘The Great Conjunction’.

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It is almost 800 years since Saturn and Jupiter coincided. The Great Conjunction takes place at night this year, so that many people around the world can see the extraordinary event of the alignment of these bright planets in our night sky.

Google Doodle
Google has dedicated a doodle celebrating this bright celestial chapter. The animated doodle features Google ice-covered characters, depicting the double oval as Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. In the doodle, Saturn sees Jupiter as a vibrant earth with a beautiful white winter hat clock. If you hover the mouse over the doodle, it says, Winter 2020 Celebrating Winter 2020 and The Great Conjugation! ‘. You can click the doodle to see the search results for “Winter Solstice and Best Conference”. Doodle appears in most places in India, Cambodia, Russia, Europe, Africa and North America. In the Southern Hemisphere, the ‘Summer 2020 and the Great Conjunction’ doodle will appear with similar animated doodles.

How to find the best combination
According to NASA, Jupiter and Saturn appear very close to the sky, with a ‘pinky finger’ at arm’s length easily falling into both skies. You don’t even have extra miles to see the Great Link.

For those who want to see this event for themselves, here is what to do:

Find a place with an unobstructed view of the sky like a park or a field. Jupiter and Saturn are bright, so they are also found in most cities. Of course, this phenomenon is not easily seen in some parts of the world (west of the Atlantic) where the sun sets at the time of conjunction.
For the rest, including India, just an hour after sunset, look at the southwest sky just above the horizon. Jupiter is easily visible as a shining star. Saturn will be a little dizzy.
Install a Compass app on your phone so you don’t get confused by last minute instructions. If you have a real compass with you, great!
You can optionally download an enlarged reality Sky app like Sky View Lite Android iOS or Star Walk 2 Android | IOS.
The planets can be seen without eyes, but if you have a telescope or a small telescope you can see the four big moons of Jupiter and orbit the giant planet.

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When to look for the best combination
Planetary astronomer and observer of Jupiter and Saturn, D.R.S. James O’Donoghue tweeted that “Jupiter and Saturn are very close in the sky on December 21st”.
Dr. According to James O’Dwyer, there will be a major merger in India at 11:13 p.m. NASA has some photo tips for all the celestial bodies that want to capture the best views of Saturn and Jupiter tonight.

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