NFL: Attacks will increase slightly in 2019

NFL: Attacks will increase slightly in 2019

During the 2017 season, less than 281 concussions were reduced, prompting the NFL to implement new rules such as preventing helmets from moving forward and simplifying the procedure for dismissal. Engaging on foot to avoid violent conflicts. “We need to do more research to see if the rule changes made are effective.“Considered by the fall in recorded concussions last year,” said Jeff Miller, executive vice president of the NFL, which is responsible for health and safety issues.

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Jeff Miller wants to explore whether blocking with forward helmets changed players ’behavior and whether the removal of the blind side blocks introduced this season helped reduce injuries. After the league banned several high-impact exercises, the number of concussions during pre-training has dropped from 45 in 2018 to 30 in 2019.

But the number of concussions during seasonal games has increased. The NFL found that they were often victimized by players who were not often retained on the list. The inexperience of these players really highlights the risk, but the attacks they face may also explain the fact that they were not selected.

This season’s matches in Miami between Kansas City and San Francisco on February 2 have been stopped 19 times to give a player a concussion test, not counting the Super Bowl. An achievement. Of the lower limb injuries that caused 60% of the physical damage in the NFL, knee ligament fractures were slightly reduced, from 132 to 109 for the inner ribs, and 57 to 47 for the anterior cruciate ligament.

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