Cyberpunk 2077: Die Community testet GPUs und CPUs in Night City

Cyberbunk 2077: Community-Definitions – Computer Base

tl; dr: Cyberpunk 2077 will not be tested on any games by the end of 2020 – the editorial board’s technical test makes this clear. But as it often does, it only covers a portion of the systems used individually, and the hardware is essentially (top) upgraded. The community can complete the picture. Here is the guide.

Reader definitions for hardware eater

Technology testing for the Cyberbank 2077 already includes a number of graphics cards and processors in the computerbase – in different resolutions, GeForce RTX with radiation tracking and DLSS. Nevertheless, the computer configurations used in the article naturally refer to only a portion of the computerbase readers use at home. So it’s high time to start another social benchmark marathon. The editorial team explains how this is possible.

Test sequence, servicecam and settings

Participants must have a PC version of the game. The test sequence is identical to that used by the computerbase. It shows Night City running through the city for 25 seconds at night. The following video shows exactly which path to take.

Here is the save game

A storage benchmark is used. It can be downloaded directly from the computer base. Should be in the folder directory later “C: ers users “username” saved games cd program red cyberbunk 2077 ““Copied. The saved game is in the “ManualSave-0” folder. If such a save game already exists, it should be saved beforehand. In the game you can directly select it as “Manual Save-0” via “Load Game”.

The benchmark saving game should be saved here
The benchmark saving game should be saved here

These are the approaches

It is important for users to adhere to specifications regarding resolution and graphic quality to guarantee comparison of results. Presets are always used and no manual changes are made. Definitions can be provided in general with DLSS so that the overview does not ultimately spoil the purpose.

Added definitions and UWQHD resolution with moderate presets in FHD and WQHD for vulnerable systems compared to the technical test of the editorial board.

Determine the FPS with CapFrameX

Only CapframeX should be used as an important tool for optimal comparison. The tool can be downloaded directly from the computer base.

Note that the Windows Defender message can be ignored during installation. The tool does not have the correct signature, which is why the warning appears automatically – there is a problem with many programs that do not come from major manufacturers. Once installed, the program can be found on the desktop, in the Windows Start menu, or in the EXE file that runs in the “C: Program Files (x86) CapframeX” directory.

25 seconds is set to CapFrameX
25 seconds is set to CapFrameX

There are five different tabs at the top of the CapFrameX UI, only two of which contribute to the social test. All settings for the benchmark are made in the capture tab. According to your own needs (“F11” used by the editorial team) and “capture time [s]Should be set to 25 (the benchmark will then expire automatically after 25 seconds). The benchmark starts when you catch Hotsky in the game.

This is how CapFrameX reports the result
This is how CapFrameX reports the result

If the benchmark is successful, the graphical evaluation is performed in CapframeX by clicking on the “Analyze” tab. The benchmark run should indicate the mouse on the left. Although the tool provides additional data: only frames per second (FPS) are important for social criteria.

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This is how the results are reported

Results for and should be sent to this reader test using the form below. If one of the forms is submitted, drafts CMS Automatically post in the comment book of this article. However, participants can add more information here Necessary outside the pre-designed area – It is automatically evaluated by our CMS. Values ​​for the computer base are only visible when the contribution is saved.

It is important to pay attention to the correct position, which should always contain information about the GPU, CPU and RAM. The information should be prepared as shown in the following list and the definitions already available – this greatly increases the clarity. The specification of the RAM cycle should be provided with the reasons for the space with this time.

  • RTX 2080 FE, R7 2700, 3200CL14, “AMD debugging”
  • RTX 2080 CD, R7 2700, 3600CL16
  • RTX 2080 CD OC, R7 2700 OC, 3200 CL15
  • RTX 2080 CD, R7 2700 UV, 2933 CL14
  • RTX 2080 CD, i9 10900K, 2933CL14

For GPUs and CPUs, you can specify whether the chip is overclocked (OC) and / or undervolt (UV). As for GPUs, it should also refer to a reference format (FE), custom format (CD) or mobile chip (MQ or M).

  • FE or Ref = Founders version or reference design
  • CD = Custom Format (Partner)
  • OC = overlock
  • UV = less
  • MQ = Max-Q (Mobile GPU Van Nvidia)
  • M = Mobile GPU (außer Max-Q)
  • AMD Fix = Hack is active to run SMT on Raison

The form does not have to be completed in full; Selected results may also be reported. Further measured values ​​can be added later by sending the form back.

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These are the results

The following maps contain results. The results of the editorial board are in green and red. The results of the community are in orange.

Own retracing of benchmarks in full HD

One rating of benchmarks in WQHD

Own rating of benchmarks in UWQHD

One rating of definitions in UHD

Radiation tracking algorithms (FHD, WQHD, UWQHD)

Benchmarks MidRetrading Ultra (FHD, WQHD)

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  • CapFrameX

    4.4 stars

    With CapFrameX, CPU and GPU definitions can be recorded and displayed clearly.

  • Archives for reader definitions

    0.0 stars

    The download contains all the storage games that require readers to standardize at the request of the authors.

    • Version Cyberpunk 2077
    • Version Red Dead Redemption 2 Deutsch
    • +3 and more

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