The road warriors leave with grace; Bolts Job Badong Bear
Louisa Morales ( – November 11, 2020 – 3:22 pm
MANILA, PHILIPPINES – The NLEX Road Warriors and Merlco Bolts both won the first two games of the final day of eliminating the BPA Philippine Cup at the AUF Stadium and Cultural Center on Wednesday.
The Road Warriors, who lost a spot the following season, ended their journey in the BPA bubble with a high note, beating the Undertakers Terrafirma type 127-101 in the first game of the day.
Led by Kiefer Ravena and Raul Soyud, the Road Warriors finished the unhappy type with five different players in double digits, leading to a 5-6 record in the bubble.
Ravena NLX with 23 points in several minutes. He had five rebounds and four assists.
The big man Soyuth, for his part, raised 16 points, five boards and five times.
Senior Asi Thaula Lava, now retiring is in the air, scattering 11 points, four rebounds and two assists.
Meanwhile, Merleco Bolts blocked Northport from running 80-73.
Although the Padang Pier was able to reduce the lead at the time of the rubbish, Bolt was effectively in control for most of the game.
Pong Quinto led a consistent team effort with 14 points, eight rebounds and two assists.
Chris Newsom and Passer Amar advanced by 11 points and 10 points, respectively.
They are now joining four teams with a similar 7-4 record.
Seven teams could finish second for the benefit of losing twice to advance to the quarterfinals.
The PPA quote rule will be used to resolve the lockjam in the event of a tie.
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