The asteroid is actually an old NASA surveyor two rocket

Zig may be up to one “Asteroid” It is expected to be captured by Earth’s gravitational pull and become a mini moon next month.
Instead of a cosmic rock, the newly discovered object appears to be an old rocket from a failed moon-landing mission 54 years ago that says it will finally return home Of NASA Leading asteroid expert. Observations should definitively help its identity.

“I’m very shocked about this,” Paul Sodas told the Associated Press. “It was my hobby to find one of these and make such a connection, and I have been doing this for decades now.” Sodas speculates that the asteroid 2020 SO, as it is formally known, is in fact a centrifugal rocket position, which successfully launched NASA’s Surveyor 2 lander to the moon in 1966.

This photo, provided by the San Diego Air and Space Museum in 1966, shows the Atlas Center 7 rocket at a launch site in Cape Canaveral, Florida. (Abi)

On its way there, the lander crashed into the moon, failing to ignite one of its impulses. Meanwhile, the rocket crossed the moon and orbited the sun as orbiting junk, never to be seen again – perhaps until now.

Last month when a telescope in Hawaii undertook a search aimed at protecting our planet from doomsday rocks, it discovered a mysterious object going our way. Item added immediately International Astronomical Union Asteroids and comets found in our solar system at the Minor Planet Center, just 5000 shy worth 1 million.

The object is estimated to be about 8 meters in terms of its brightness. It is on the ballpark of the old centaur, which is less than 10 meters long, with its machine tip and 3 meters in diameter.

A file photo from 1965 provided by the San Diego Air and Space Museum, where technicians work on the Atlas Center 7 rocket in Cape Canaveral, Florida. (Abi)

The object is in the same plane of the earth, not tilting up or down, another red flag. Asteroids usually zip at odd angles. Finally, it approaches Earth at a speed of 2400 km / h, slowed by asteroid grades.

As the object approaches, astronomers can better list its orbit and determine how far it is pushed by the effects of sunlight radiation and heat. If it were an old centaur – basically a light could be blank – it would move differently than a heavier space rock.

Sodas predicts that the object will orbit about four months after it captures Earth in mid-November, before shooting back into its own orbit around the sun next March.

He suspects that the object will enter the earth – “at least not at this time.”

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