CA officials are issuing a flex warning Thursday amid high temperatures

CA officials are issuing a flex warning Thursday amid high temperatures

California’s Independent Systems operator issued a flex warning on Thursday because higher energy requirements are expected when temperatures are hot. The Flex Alert will start Thursday from 3pm to 10pm. At this point, Call ISO urges people to conserve energy to avoid rolling failures. The system issued a phase warning warning about high power consumption at 3pm and shortly afterwards issued a flex alert. The last quarter ISO issued a flex alert over Labor Day weekend, with temperatures above average contributing to a pressure on the state’s power grid. Stay tuned to KCRA3 for the latest.

California’s Independent Systems operator issued a flex warning on Thursday because higher energy requirements are expected when temperatures are hot.

The Flex Alert will start Thursday from 3pm to 10pm. At this point, Call ISO urges people to conserve energy to avoid rolling failures. The system issued a phase warning warning about high power consumption at 3pm and issued a flex alert shortly thereafter.

Finally Call ISO issued a flex alert Labor Day weekend, When temperatures above average contribute to stagnation in the power phase of the state.

This is a growing story.

Stay tuned to KCRA 3 for the latest.

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