Google celebrates 22nd birthday together, but from afar

Google celebrates social distance.


Google marks its 22nd year on Sunday with an animated birthday doodle.

Doodle shows us how Google Video celebrates with Google G with cakes and gifts at its online fellow conference party. Virtual Party reminds us that in the age of the corona virus, it is important to maintain social distance even in special cases.

The company received its Stanford Ph.D. Students and Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page published an article The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual web search engine. In it, the pair outlined Google, a prototype of a “large-scale search engine” that had a database of “at least 24 million pages”.

In the 22 years that Brin and Page have outlined their vision for a search engine, the company has grown dramatically. Google’s search engine now caters to hundreds of billions of web pages, but the company has become the most dominant force in advertising since its humble beginning as a search engine. Google now owns a parent company, Alphabet, which has tents that touch everything from self-driving cars to its Android mobile software for life.

But its date of birth was actually a bit dark. The company has been celebrating its birthday since September 27, 2006, but the previous year, it celebrated its birthday on September 26, 2004 and September 7 and September 8, 2003, respectively. Even Google is not sure why this is, especially since it was incorporated on September 4, 1998.

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