Coronavirus live news and updates from around the world

Updates from around the world.

I sat down to write this story at 10 a.m.

10:05: The youngest daughter asks for a sandwich.

10:10: You are disconnected from your online learning program and need help to log back in.

10:12: The oldest daughter asks why her sister has a snack and she does not.

10:15: The youngest daughter asks for another snack. Rejected request.

10:47: “Mom, I’m bored.”

And so on. Most of these requests are directed at me even though my husband is also working from home and we have taken turns “interfering” for two hours while the children are out of school.

Parenting in the past few months has been immensely difficult for both mothers and fathers, and the pandemic has placed unprecedented demands on families around the world. But as we mark United Nations World Fathers Day On June 1, it is clear that moms are doing most of the heavy lifting and can ultimately end up paying the highest price.

Mothers can only do one hour of uninterrupted work for every three hours fathers do, according to new UK research That also found that mothers do more chores and spend more time with children in homes where there is a working mother and father.

Before closing in the UK, mothers completed on average around 60% of the hours of uninterrupted work that fathers did. That is now down to a third.

In addition, mothers are more likely than fathers to have left paid work and have seen a greater reduction in their hours. Among people doing paid work at home, mothers are more likely than fathers to spend their work hours at the same time trying to care for children.

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