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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman declares Apple Vision Pro as ‘second most impressive tech’; reveals top pick - The Press Stories

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman declares Apple Vision Pro as ‘second most impressive tech’; reveals top pick

Title: OpenAI CEO Heralds Apple’s Vision Pro as the Next Big Thing in Tech, Despite Early Criticism

In a surprising turn of events, OpenAI CEO showered praise on Apple’s highly anticipated new device, Vision Pro, labeling it as the second most impressive technological breakthrough since the revolutionary iPhone. Acknowledging the significance of this endorsement, tech enthusiasts eagerly await the release of Vision Pro, eager to experience its promised innovation.

OpenAI CEO’s commendations, however, have not gone unchallenged, as some users expressed their reservations about the device’s nomenclature. In response to these concerns, the CEO defended the choice of the name and drew parallels with OpenAI’s own creation, ChatGPT, which faced similar criticism initially but has since become a household name in the artificial intelligence realm.

Joining the chorus of accolades for Apple’s extraordinary progress, Carl Pei, CEO of London-based company Nothing, praised Vision Pro despite referring to it as a “mid” product. Pei commended Apple’s dedication to pushing boundaries and recognized the strides they have made in developing Vision Pro.

Echoing a user’s comment about the significance of developer support, both Pei and the user referred to the unfortunate history of Windows Phone, whose ultimate failure was attributed, in part, to the lack of app support. Pei acknowledged that developer support is crucial for a device to succeed in today’s tech market and lauded Apple for their established ecosystem and extensive developer backing.

While Vision Pro has yet to gain support from popular apps such as Netflix and Spotify, which some users consider as essential, YouTube has come forward with a promising announcement. The video-sharing platform revealed its intentions to release a dedicated app for Vision Pro, instilling hope in users who eagerly anticipate more developers following suit.

The upcoming launch of Apple’s Vision Pro promises to be a game-changer in the tech industry, fueled by OpenAI CEO’s high praise and backed by Nothing CEO’s acknowledgement of Apple’s progress. Whether the device will live up to its grand expectations and overcome the hurdles of app support remains to be seen, but the initial reception suggests an undeniable level of excitement and enthusiasm among tech enthusiasts worldwide.

Stay tuned and follow Press Stories for more updates on the progress and anticipated release of Vision Pro, as well as the latest developments in the tech world.

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About the Author: Cory Weinberg

"Alcohol evangelist. Devoted twitter guru. Lifelong coffee expert. Music nerd."

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