My Truck Accident Claim

What Evidence Do I Need to Support My Truck Accident Claim?

Truck accidents are some of the devasting accidents that can be easily avoided. They can cause severe damage and loss of life. Even if the victim survives, they must deal with the crushing medical debt of dealing with that emotional and physical damage. It leaves the victim wondering if they have the right to pursue legal action against the driver. Fortunately, an experienced lawyer can help you obtain compensation for your losses through a civil lawsuit against the driver liable for your injury. For a successful claim, physical evidence is crucial. It’s important to understand what you need to build a compelling case that shows that the accident could have been avoided if the driver followed their duty of care.

Photo & Video Evidence

Photos and videos documenting the scene of the accident, including your injuries, property damage, and traffic condition are crucial forms of physical evidence for any claim. If available, brief eyewitness statements describing the incident can also support your version of the events in case of a future legal dispute. As they are people who aren’t connected to the accident, their point of view is necessary for your case. It is important to thoroughly document everything from the crash site. That includes taking pictures of the make and model of the truck, license plate number, and other details that might help bring the negligent driver to justice.

Incident Reports

Incident reports including the official police report and insurance report might prove invaluable to your claim. It’s in your best interest to retrieve this report as it contains important details of your accident. These details include the time, date, and location of the crash, details of the involved vehicles and their owners, and any witnesses, if available. You should also note down the names and badge numbers of the responding law enforcement officers for future reference. The more you’re able to get written on paper, the better. Since this document is an objective account of the incident, it can be the key to proving your case and obtaining a favorable verdict.

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Medical Records

If you or any passengers in your vehicle sustained a physical injury because of the crash, you likely received medical care. Medical records contain valuable information about your case and help to detail the extent and severity of your injuries. They also talk about any medical or surgical treatment received at the time of the incident or at a hospital or clinic and bills that you received from your healthcare provider. They help to establish who is liable for these injuries. These records provide undeniable proof of injury and form the basis of any personal injury lawsuit filed against the negligent truck driver, transportation company, or other entities. They contain the necessary information that you can provide to a trusted San Antonio truck accident lawyer. This evidence is especially useful as it comes from a trusted source.

Truck Logbook

All truck drivers are required to maintain a logbook that demonstrates the duration of their shifts, resting stops, routine inspections, and more. A thorough examination of this record can prove any violations on the part of the truck driver. These violations include driving past the allowed maximum time, unscheduled stops, missed inspections, etc. Truck drivers are expected to drive appropriately as that is within their skill set. Failing to do so can lead to serious damage. Your lawyer can obtain this record by contacting the truck company or obtaining a court order or subpoena that would force a release subject to certain conditions.

Truck Maintenance Records

Trucking companies keep a thorough record of each truck’s maintenance, including the history of inspections or repairs. These records help demonstrate whether the truck was in decent working condition at the time of the incident. They also show any mechanical defects that would have contributed to the crash. Truck drivers are expected to keep up with these records and check them thoroughly. They need to know what is always going on with their vehicle. Like a truck logbook, the retrieval of these records requires a court order through the legal teams of both parties.

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If you or your loved one got injured in a truck crash, you should consult an experienced lawyer that will fight for you. They can help you compile necessary physical evidence, including photo and video evidence. A legal team will also help you gather eyewitness statements, police reports, medical records, truck driver logbooks, maintenance records, and more. Their help is necessary if you want to win your case and receive the compensation you deserve. It’s in your best interest to reach out to a legal team in your area immediately after your accident.

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