Does the visible background cosmic radiation betray its decay?

Does the visible background cosmic radiation betray its decay?

A theory related to dark matter particles could explain an anomaly in cosmic radiation discovered a few years ago by the New Horizons probe. This dark matter becomes particles, molds, unstable and eventually turns into light.

Many, no doubt, have heard Cosmic microwave background (CMB) is probably better known in French as “Fond”. spreadsspreads Cosmology” or more simply Cosmic radiation. Heard of diffuse fund InfraredInfrared (Cosmic Infrared Background) or CIB may be as rare as those with background knowledge of diffusion in visible scenes, ie Cosmic optical background.

The COB, like the CIB, is an unresolved overview of all observed stars and material distributions in a group. wave lengthwave length. It’s a kind of background noise, visible in the sky vault, and it stays the same if you turn off all the sources. the lightthe light In milky waymilky way. So it comes from all sources outside of us GalaxyGalaxy — Incidentally, the extragalactic background is called light, ieExtragalactic background light or EBL in English, is the intensity of all electromagnetic radiation emitted during historyuniverseuniverse… of the Cosmic radiationCosmic radiation.

COB can be theoretically estimated and measured, which is possible with the instruments in the study. New frontiersNew frontiers (Especially the images provided by Lowry, The Long Range Sensing Imager) which has passed Pluto and will exit completely one day The Solar SystemThe Solar System Voyager and Pioneer probes must travel through the interstellar medium.

Pierre Brun is a particle physicist at Irfu and works at the border between particle physics and cosmology. He is interested in a theory that postulates the existence of a particle called “action” that solves some problems related to symmetry breaking in the physical laws of strong interactions. Neutral, light, and interacting very weakly with matter, the axon has all the properties of a dark matter particle. © CEA Science

A diffuse background appears twice as bright as predicted

As explained in an article a few years ago, the COB is brighter than expected by a factor of 2. arXiv. Of course, theorists have pondered this conundrum, and recently, a paper was published Physical review letters In this case. José Luis Bernal, Gabriela Sato-Polito and Mark Kamionkowski, all from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland (USA), propose that this excess may be caused by particles. Black materialBlack material More precisely, it decays into photons AvatarAvatar popular AxesAxes.

These dark matter particles, MassMass A much lighter one is proposed within the framework of several theories beyond the standard model of higher physics EnergiesEnergiesas String theoryConsidered more seriously after several failures of experiments designed to observe heavy dark matter particles. Wimps.

Molds should create a ghostly multi-particle bath Cosmological neutrinos And they too must have been trained during that period big bangbig bang. We know that they are very light and that they interact weakly Electromagnetic fieldElectromagnetic field. Although we have experimental and theoretical constraints on these values, we do not know precisely what mass they have and with what intensity they couple to light.

In a hypothesis proposed by three American physicists and cosmologists, the decaying axesirregularityirregularity One remembers that the masses of COB are between 8 and 20 eV, which is very low ProtonProton About a billion e.v.

After its launch in 2025, they hope to be able to test their theory with measurements provided by its mission. NASANASA Named SPHEREx (Abstract History of the Universe, the Reionization Era and the Spectro-Photometer for the Ice Explorer)

Presentation of the SPHEREx mission. Click on the white rectangle in the lower right for a more accurate French translation. English subtitles should appear later. Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then “Subtitles” and finally “Auto Translate”. Select “French”. © NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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