Le CO2 réduit dangereusement l’épaisseur de la haute atmosphère

CO2 thins the upper atmosphere dangerously

Scientists from the Langley Research Center recently conducted a study on the effects of carbon dioxide on the Earth’s atmosphere. For the first time, hypotheses about the negative effects of CO2 can be seen directly.

CO2 thins the upper atmosphere dangerously

This work was supported by NASA TIME. The result showed that this greenhouse gas Cools and contracts the atmosphere. Note that the observations were mainly made at the level of two atmospheric layers (Mesosphere and Thermosphere) Still called MLT. At these levels, carbon dioxide re-transmits infrared radiation. This rejection Compresses the upper atmosphere This also leads to an increase in its traction. Martin Milinchak, a scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center, was lead author of the study. The document was published in the journal Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Carbon dioxide compresses the atmosphere by radiation

Scientists then observed a warming effect due to CO2 in some of the lower layers of the atmosphere. This gas It absorbs and reflects infrared radiation. At MLT, some radiation escapes inwardSpacethus favoring the cooling of the upper atmosphere.

According to old theories, it decreases the temperature It also induces contraction of the stratum corneum. With this study, we now know that this phenomenon also occurs at the mesosphere and thermosphere level. Based on the TIMED data, the team observed that MLT lost about 1,333 meters Its size. Roughly 342 meters This compression comes from the radiative cooling of CO2.

CO2 emissions pollute the atmosphere

Unfortunately, according to other studies, carbon dioxide induced thermospheric cooling 33% reduction Atmospheric drag by 2070.

“At each altitude there is cooling and compression, which is partly due to increased carbon dioxide. »

Martin Milinchak, a scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center

A phenomenon of atmospheric congestion

Thus, shrinking of Earth’s atmospheric layers by carbon dioxide presents an even greater danger. In fact, this amount of loss affects Also the gravitational force of the atmosphere. It reduces the forces that stimulate its purification. This means scraps of satellites and other old technology Around the circular path Low terrain Probably for a long time.

In fact, this phenomenon is profitable for new rockets because they are better in orbit. In return, these surveillance machines will be forcedConstantly adjust their path to avoid collisions with the remains of their ancestors.

“One consequence is that the satellites stay longer. However, they have to adjust their trajectory to avoid collisions. »

Martin Milinchak, a scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center.

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