Vegetarians are twice as likely to experience stress as omnivores

Vegetarians are twice as likely to experience stress as omnivores

When one chooses vegetarianism, criticisms abound. Criticisms based on the same argument: malnutrition. Far from popular belief, ScienceAlert Highlights A Brazilian study Vegetarians are twice as likely to have depression as meat eaters. But whether we like it or not, nutritional needs are not the cause.

After finding higher rates of depression in people who give up an omnivorous diet, researchers examined several factors: total calorie intake, protein, micronutrients and food processing… No benefit: No correlation was established between nutrient content. Diet and depressive episodes. So what could be the connection? Is there a trigger?

Everything becomes psychological. According to Science Media, “Being depressed can encourage people to become vegans, not the other way around. Depression triggers negative thoughts and feelings of guilt. If we assume that everyone is constantly confronted with the shocking reality of slaughterhouses and factory farming, who will suffer the most? People who are depressed.

Long minute reflexes occur and cravings evolve towards a meat-free diet. “There is evidence that individuals with mild to moderate depression have more realistic judgments and perceptions of their own character and abilities.” ScienceAlert ends.

Ridicule and indifference depression

Social relationships can also affect the mental health of vegans, sometimes being a source of ridicule and ostracism. Attacks on their cherished values ​​can sometimes lead to feelings of exclusion, which can lead to depressive disorders.

It would be interesting to observe the association between vegetarianism and depression in a country like India to see if this theory turns out to be true. A more important question: As the number of vegetarians in developed countries increases, will we see this correlation disappear over the years?

There is a reason why there are so many vegetarians as animal cruelty continues due to the high demand for cheap meat. And then, what could be more depressing than ignoring this cruelty?

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