Mark Zuckerberg struggles to woo his employees with his Metaverse

Mark Zuckerberg struggles to woo his employees with his Metaverse

Available since last year, “Les Echos” claims that Horizon Worlds is experiencing many bugs and its magic doesn’t work with users.


Horizons Worlds its
Horizons Worlds has been widely criticized for its “basic” and “childish” graphics.
© Horizons Worlds.

MArk Zuckerberg is struggling to relive his 2004 genius. If Facebook revolutionized an entire generation by becoming the first online social network, the same cannot be said for Horizon Worlds, the virtual world that Meta’s boss created in Metaverse for $13 billion. Due to its “childish” graphics, the social network, which had already mocked at the time of its introduction the avatar of the American billionaire, including American giants, could not seduce as explained. Newspaper Echoes.

A year after its launch in the United States and more than two months in France, the magical world of Horizon Worlds has failed to attract more than 300,000 users, and even meta staff are having a hard time catching up. A note written by Vishal Shah, Vice President of Metaverse Operations at the US company. Question: Too many quality problems and lack of hierarchy in a hundred universes to explore.

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Returning in two dimensions soon?

“Feedback from creators, users, testers, and many of our team members points to the weight of frustrating little things, stability issues, and bugs that make it impossible to enjoy the magic of Horizon Worlds,” writes Vishal. Shah. It would even encourage its designers to move away from it. “Why is that? Why don’t we like the product we’ve created enough to use it all the time? The truth is, if we don’t like it, how can we expect our users to like it?” asks the Metaverse vice president of operations.

However, a solution seems to have been found. After persuading Meta employees to visit Horizon Worlds “at least once a week” – “Go there! Organize moments with your colleagues and friends…”, Vishal Shah commanded -, Facebook’s parent company will consider creating a two-dimensional version of its Metaverse, less immersive, but more Realistic, with one watchword: quality. A surprising alternative when you know that Metaverse’s specialty is the evolution of three-dimensional worlds, and that Horizon Worlds VR is designed to be explored with an Oculus virtual reality headset.

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