Paris: Turn your smartphone into a Navigo pass thanks to the Île-de-France Mobilités test

Paris: Turn your smartphone into a Navigo pass thanks to the Île-de-France Mobilités test

Graciella L. Photos by Carolyn J. Posted September 10, 2022, 4:55 pm

Want to part with your Navigo Pass? Become a tester for Ile-de-France Mobilités, and if you have an Android phone, help verify that the verification of trips with the phone is ready to use!

Over the years, the Navigo to come Smartphones, say goodbye to passes and transport tickets. But it takes time to implement because you have to make sure Digital technologyIt works well before any official release. To do this, Ile-de-France Mobilities So it provides its users testersUsing their phones, ask them A androidVersion 8 or higher.

iPhone owners are on the sidelines for now, but they should be part of the device by the end of 2023, when this possibility will become general. General public. To participate in this preview, you must travel to Paris or its inner suburbs, have an NFC-compatible phone and Register online using a form. Then you have to download applications Ile-de-France Mobilités and My Navigo tickets, use them to check your journeys!

The Navico Pass has, over the years, become an increasingly important part of the lives of Ile-de-France residents, especially allowing them to access low-cost activities, rent a car or integrate it with their bank card.

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Forget the wallet-cluttering plastic card: Navigo Pass will soon be available directly on the iPhone. By 2023, Apple users will be able to use their smartphone or Apple Watch to travel on the Île-de-France Mobilités network. [Lire la suite]

Visual Paris Transit Pass NavigoVisual Paris Transit Pass NavigoVisual Paris Transit Pass NavigoVisual Paris Transit Pass NavigoIt is now possible to rent a car with your Navigo Pass
The Navigo Pass can be used in Paris and Ile-de-France, and now allows you to rent a vehicle or utility vehicle from the Île-de-France Mobilités app and travel by car. How does it work? [Lire la suite]

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