"I saw myself dying": Stabbed Saint-Cyrion tells how she was attacked on Tuesday

“I saw myself dying”: Stabbed Saint-Cyrion tells how she was attacked on Tuesday

“I thought of my three children whom I no longer saw, and I saw myself dying”. Words are powerful. He was at the peak of shock. Saila Aminada is a survivor.

A 51-year-old from Guinea with French nationality, was stabbed in the throat by an unbalanced woman on Tuesday afternoon in the city center of Saint-Cyr, where he had lived for fourteen years. “I don’t like black people!” An independent act.

When emotions were at their peak, Adi’s teacher was arrested and taken into police custody at the Saint-Cyr Gendarmerie Brigade compound.

According to the doctors of the La Ciotat Hospital Center, he was taken by firefighters and from where he left at 6 pm, the blow would undoubtedly have been fatal if not for Sylla Aminata’s reflex movement to reject the head and try to block the knife.

Revealing a long and deep wound, behind a spectacular but thankfully almost superficial white bandage, she bears witness.

“30 cm kitchen knife”

“After my shift at Rellis Restaurant, around 3pm, I took the trash cans to the containers in the next parking lot.”She begins.

Under the corridor that separates the Place Portales from the Gabriel-Perry car park he meets two women: “One of those whom I knew by sight said to me: ‘I don’t like black people’… I thought she was cracked and her assistant told me not to be careful and I went to the containers”.

And then everything happens very quickly. “She ran towards me very fast and repeated to me: ‘Oh! I’m talking to you! I don’t like black people. I turned around and she pulled out a kitchen knife at least 30 cm long from behind her back and slowly stabbed her hand into my neck. I pulled back and felt the pain, I put my hands on my neck, I was bleeding profusely, I fell to the ground and screamed: Help! Help! I thought I was going to die.”.

“I’m afraid to meet her again”

A motorist in the car park, who witnessed the incident, got out of his vehicle and ordered Cila Aminata to apply pressure to her wound, before taking off after the unbalanced woman on her way back home, when her companion grabbed her. Terrified, she ran to a nearby business where she worked.

Beckoning with her knife, the unbalanced woman was finally apprehended by several passers-by and handed over to the Metropolitan Police, alerted by the victim’s colleagues who had come to meet them, pending the arrival of the gendarmes.

Today, Sylla Aminata, doctors have advised psychological follow-up to erase the trauma experienced, fears: When I leave my house, I am not calm, I look to the right and to the left… And if they release the woman who attacked me, I will inevitably meet her again..

The woman who attacked him, who was still in police custody yesterday, is known to be suffering from a mental disorder. “Slavery” Facts in time, It will be presented at the Toulon prosecutor’s office this Thursday morning.

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