Pour sa première venue en France, l'UFC, la plus prestigieuse organisation de MMA au monde, propose notamment un combat avec Ciryl Gane (à droite), porte-étendard de la discipline dans l'Hexagone. (Illustration)

UFC Paris was broadcast unencrypted on the L’Équipe channel

This is a first in France. The mixed martial arts (MMA) event organized by the American company UFC Paris on September 3 will be broadcast unencrypted on L’Équipe, the channel announced on Thursday. “For the first time, the UFC will be broadcast live on the free-to-air channel, with the added bonus of the presence of French star Cyril Kane”, welcomed the chain in a press release. Organized at the AccorArena in Paris, the event will also be broadcast on RMC Sport, which holds the UFC’s pay-per-view rights in France.

Finally, it was banned for a long time in France Legalized in February 2020, MMA is an extreme combat sport that allows for kicks, punches, knees and elbows, as well as ground strikes, chokeholds and locks inside the cage.

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Four million fans in France

For his first visit to the country, The UFC is the most prestigious MMA organization in the worldThe evening poster proposes a fight in the heavyweight division between Cyril KaneStandard-bearer of morality in France and Australian Tai Tuivasa.

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The prospect of such an event on French soil is extraordinary and we know we must allow as many people as possible to attend this historic event”. UFC Vice President David Shaw said. The setting is almost telling Four million fans in FranceMany, including young people, won thanks to the Internet and social networks.

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