Everywhere in France the effects of drought can be seen from the sky

Everywhere in France the effects of drought can be seen from the sky

Sad records fall one after another. Due to global warming and rising temperatures, droughts are occurring everywhere in France, and are changing the country’s landscape. Snow disappears from peaks, rivers dry up and lake levels drop. A situation that has a strong impact on biodiversity, but also on the economic activities of the people and the regions concerned.

July 2022 was the driest month on record Since 1959, Météo is the beginning of France’s measurements. Already, in June, an early and severe drought will affect the country. Aerial photos from American company Planet Lab reveal a scenario captured by satellites. Between June 2021 and June 2022, the comparison is striking.

Snow is disappearing from the peaks

The evolution of the peaks of the French Alps is evident from photographs taken by the Planet Lab satellites. In one year we see the snow melt and almost disappear from many peaks of the French Alps in Savoy. In the Vanoise massif, the Grande Motte glacier in Dignes has until now been the only option for summer skiing for residents and tourists. This year, the glacier closed a month earlier on July 1 “Melting is increasing”.

The same is true at the top of many peaks in the country. In the Ecrins massif, located in the Hautes-Alpes in Isère, the photo is stunning. Between June 2021 and June 2022, the south of the massif has lost all its ice. Already this winter, the amount of snow cover has been historically low, and this is particularly weakening the White Glacier, already depleted by ice melt and global warming.

Rivers, streams and streams are drying up

In the commune of Ancenis in Loire-Atlantique, France’s longest stretch of river can be observed drying up in these two photos, taken in June 2021 and June 2022. . So little water and flow at Ansenise is unheard of at this time of year: “We’ve already seen a lower at such a low level in 2019 (year marked by drought) mWell, that was at the end of August”. For example France Bleu Loire Océan is illustrated Jean-Patrick Deneuil organizes trips in the Loire.

The drying up of rivers is a phenomenon noticed by citizens everywhere in France this summer. Ain River, in the department of the same name, was not as wide at the same time last year. Faced with this situation and the general drought, the provincial council of the department, like many others, is taking measures to control watercourses. With “historically low records”, several rivers in the department have been put on high alert.

Lakes decrease in size, sometimes by several meters

In the Hautes-Alpes, the Serre-Ponçon tourist lake is at historically low levels. His level is several meters below normal: more than nine meters. Reason: A “Rain deficit has accumulated since the beginning of the year” And “Least Winter Snowfall”, refers to the politics of the field. The EDF hydraulic dam cannot draw water as artificial water reserves have been at their lowest for 60 years.

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An equally impressive contrast is the Gorges du Verdun, popular with tourists in summer. The level of Lake St. Croix at the entrance of the canyons is about 5 meters below normal. The other lakes of the Gorges du Verdun are in a similar situation. If the activities of tourists are not affected by this, the situation will be very alarming.

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