Covid-19/Maroc : 4 nouveaux cas sévères admis en REA en 24h, pour un total national de 17

In 24 hours 4 new serious cases were admitted in the REA, for a total of 17 important cases nationally

The aggression rate of intensive care beds was 0.3% on Tuesday, May 31st. In just 24 hours, 4 new severe cases were admitted for intensive care, bringing the national total to 17 critical cases. The number of cases under artificial respiration is 6 nationally, while the Ministry of Health said in its daily epidemiological report that no visceral case has been identified in the kingdom.

Out of a total of 11,653,985 trials conducted nationally since the onset of the epidemic, the number of new trials carried out in 24 hours reached 6,669. In addition, no deaths have been reported in Morocco in the past 24 hours. The national gross mortality rate has remained stable at 16,076 since the outbreak, with a mortality rate of 1.38%.

Morocco has recorded 175 recoveries, bringing the total to 1,150,599 reliefs nationally since the outbreak began. The recovery rate on Tuesday was 98.48%, while the total number of active cases was 1,628 cases (0.14%).

In addition, and Hespress’ tracking and monitoring site points out, Kingdom has identified 320 new confirmed Covit-19 cases in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of confirmed contaminants to 1,168,303 nationally.

As for the vaccine, the number of users of the first dose of the vaccine has reached 24,832,317 since the beginning of the national campaign, with 23,313,391 users in two doses, while 6,425,325 people have benefited from the third dose of the vaccine, according to the Department of Health. Taleb.

The Ministry of Health calls on citizens to respect the rules of health and hygiene and the preventive measures taken by the Moroccan authorities by showing responsibility and patriotism.

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