L'éclipse totale de la Lune du 21 janvier 2019. © James, Adobe Stock

Full lunar eclipse from May 15 to 16: What you need to know

A rare event that takes place in heaven Night time This month May 2022: The night moon will pass from May 15 to 16 Shadow on earthThis will lead to one Full lunar eclipse ! Visible at the end of the night, it will be visible at different times depending on where you are.

Animation of the moon moving in the shadow of the earth. © Earth to Sky Calculus, Vimeo

A perfect alignment between the Moon, Earth and Sun.

This is similar to a Proper alignment Between the moon, earth and sun. So this means that it only happens in the event Full moon, When the earth is between the sun and the moon. However, because in most cases there is definitely no eclipseAround the circular path The satellite is offset by approximately 5 relative to the Earth. It thus goes north or south of the Earth’s orbit.

During a lunar eclipse, it passes through the Earth’s shadow or penumbra: its orbit is aligned with the Earth’s plane. Such events occur twice a year, but a Total eclipse It is very rare because it is mostly penumbral or Area. On May 16, 2022, the alignment between the three stars will be almost perfect, thus adorning the moon Beautiful copper shades ! The latest that can be seen from the mainland of France is exactly what was said on January 21, 2019.

Where and when to look?

For amateurs, the best observation points are located in the West Indies, Guyana and Quebec, where the eclipse will appear in full. In Quebec and the West Indies the show starts at 9:30 pm when the moon rises in the sky, and at 10:30 pm in Guyana it sets at sunset and ends at 3 or 4 am. Entering the shadow zone occurs one hour after the start of the eclipse and lasts for about an hour.

On the mainland of France, it will be visible in the early hours of May 16, entering darkness at 3:30 a.m., entering the shadows at 4:30 a.m., and a full eclipse at 5:30 p.m. , But that doesn’t stop you from noticing the best Colors On the surface of our satellite! Unfortunately, Oceania and the Asian continents will benefit little or nothing from the show this time around.

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