Des astronomes de la Michigan State University (États-Unis) présentent un modèle qui permet d’expliquer les orbites des planètes géantes dans notre Système solaire. Et même dans d’autres systèmes planétaires. © Sergey Nivens, Adobe Stock

Everything indicates that there will be one more planet in the solar system

Ours The Solar System. The Astronomers We have been reading it for a long time now. But they have not yet revealed all its secrets. They always wondered how Giant planets What Thursday, Saturn, Uranus And Neptune Finished in the orbit we know today. A question for that a Team Michigan State University (United States) now provides an answer. Who can confirm the existence of the fifth giant – the famous planet X -, ninth The planet in our solar systemE, hidden 80 billion kilometers away from us Star.

As a starting point for their work: a question about the so-called nice model – because it was created in the laboratory of C டிte d’Azur. He wants the giant planets to occupy a place “Perfect” Before they migrated to the place they occupy today. All under the influence of an instability that appeared after a long time on the disk Gas Protoplanetary scattered. Researchers of Michigan State University, They tried to imagine another scene. I.e. the planets are moving “Effect Again” Even when the disk evaporates.

“All planetary systems form a disk of gas and dust, which is a natural by-product of star formationSeth Jacobson, astronomer, explains in a Was contacted. But when a star catches fire and begins to burn its nuclear fuel, it emits Light This disk heats up and blows out of the system “.

An instability “Very global”

What astronomers Michigan State University Have discovered that this process has created a real hole Cloud of gas and dust, The remnant of the formation of our sun. A hole that has grown, gradually captures the ancient orbits of the giant planets. Thus creating instability Good model. But the simulations are an uncertainty that comes here very early on. “Within 10 million years of the birth of the solar system”, Say researchers. And much faster. With mixture Subject Between the inner solar system and the outer solar system.

“This process has triggered our part of the solar system. Our earth grew from there.”, Says Seth Jacobson. The geochemistry of our planet is ready to confirm the combination induced by astronomers. Michigan State University When our planet is formed. Researchers now believe that this situation applies to other planetary systems as well. The uncertainty in the appearance of the current structure of our solar system is how it finally appeared “Very global” More than expected by the Nice model.

Model compatible with the existence of the ninth planet

Interpretation proposed by the researchers of Michigan State University Also sheds new light on the issue Planet x, This mysterious – yet imaginary – ninth planet will complete the family portrait of our solar system. Remember that according to the Nice model, there must have been a fifth giant planet. But it would have been expelled outside of our solar system during its instability, thus helping others Gas giants – Familiar to us – to settle permanently in their respective orbits. The problem is, some astronomers think that another giant planet is hidden in the suburbs of our solar system. But they are suffering from lack of evidence.

The new model presented here does not provide a definitive answer. Researchers note that their simulations give similar results when starting from a system of four or five giant planets. A system created from the beginning of the four gas giants fits well with the orbits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. But a system initially had five Gas giants Chances are high that it will eventually end up with four giant planets. The Vera Rubin Observatory, which will be operational by the end of next year, will finally give us the answer!

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