The United States has pledged $ 10 million to track down six Russian hackers

The United States has pledged $ 10 million to track down six Russian hackers

Ten million dollars. This is the amount of the bonus promised on Tuesday United States For any information that could lead to the arrest of six Russian military intelligence agents. The latter were accused of carrying out devastating computer attacks around the world.

In October 2021 the Grand Jury of the U.S. Federal Court indicted them for their role in the series. Cyber ​​attacksIncluding some affecting the Ukrainian energy network.

Condemns the Kremlin’s “Russophobic” campaign

The U.S. State Department alleges that these individuals were involved in a computer attack in 2017 that targeted several companies. The suspects are said to have damaged computers in hospitals across the United States, with an estimated loss of nearly a billion dollars.

Deportation is not an option, given the high probability that the defendants are currently in Russia. The Kremlin dismissed the allegations as “russophobic” propaganda. Russian military intelligence (GRU) suspected in several cyber attacks around the world Some intervened in the 2016 US presidential campaign.

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