Security vulnerability detected by Google Chrome, which requires an update

Security vulnerability detected by Google Chrome, which requires an update

Attention all Google Chrome users: Beware. The company released a note on April 14 warning of a flaw found in its browser. Malicious hackers can use this to carry out potential illegal activities, reports Parisian. According to NumeromaThis is the third time this year that Google Chrome has been affected by this problem. By 2021 13 different violations would have come to light. The U.S. company continues to warn of these issues, indicating that an update needs to be made to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

Special site EN Android This flaw also affects users on Windows, Mac or Linux, but does not affect versions on mobile phones. Le Parisien describes a very simple way to update and install the patch: once in the browser, click on the three small dots at the top right of the screen, then “Help” and “Chrome About Google”, then check that the version is 100.0.4896.127. No. If not, you can upgrade your browser.

However, these increasingly numerous alerts may cause users to worry that they may run away from Google Chrome in favor of Firefox or Safari. But that’s not to say that Google’s browser is less secure, according to Numerama: it’s more widely used, and thus more targeted. Now for your computers.

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