“What’s inside and below the black hole?  Gabriel asks (9 years old)

“What’s inside and below the black hole? Gabriel asks (9 years old)

Of course not. Empty, nothing but emptiness. But what to do if something falls into it Black hole ? Is there anything still in the hole? not right. This is where the mystery thickens: it does nothing inside because there is always emptiness inside. But how is this possible? Just because there are so many secrets in black holes …

Imagine that Space Got lost. The Solar System. He happily rushes towards it, he walks away from you, and you see him jumping happily through the window.

A horizon where nothing is known

As it approaches the black hole, you see its color change, more orange, red, dark red, and you can see it jumping faster. The moment it disappears forever behind the horizon of the black hole, you hold this frozen image for a long time in a place that appears to move above the ground. Because if the black hole has no surface, it exists A weatherThus the name because nothing beyond that is visible.

He, on his rocket, felt nothing special as he crossed the horizon, and he danced on the spot in front of the window. He will soon begin to feel that he is driving too fast and he will turn it around Rocket And puts on the full throttle to get out of the trap and goes at a mild speed, but she can’t fight the fall.

The black hole is an invisible celestial body that has a very strong gravitational pull, nothing inside it can escape, not even light.
The black hole is an invisible celestial body that has a very strong gravitational pull, nothing inside it can escape, not even light. – SIPA

Then it will start to stretch but actually stretch, worse than spaghetti. Because his legs prefer to move faster towards the center than his head. It starts to hurt a lot, and when he reaches his rocket crack he has time to realize that he is going to be displaced. He’s right: that’s what will happen.

All things are drawn to the center Under the force of gravity With a force unknown to us, stretches and displaces everything. What happens when the object comes to the center of the black hole? It is the end of the journey, it is the end of everything, even time, and our knowledge stops there.

When time goes by

Because in theory – we are indebted Albert Einstein – This is valid until then, and the calculations based on this absurd story of the lost astronaut will be false: you can no longer extend your hand or anything, space is completely blocked. This is called black hole singularity. The energy of the object moving towards it becomes infinite and goes without time. Like infinity in nature, it does not, we spend one, we do not know it. All normal things are believed to have disappeared.

The artist's view of the black hole
Artist’s Origin of the Black Hole – © D. Mark / Pixbe 2020

In the black hole, after this adventure, there is still a rocket and a lost astronaut. Always empty. But one thing has changed: the mass of the black hole has increased as the mass of the rocket and its unfortunate pilot have been added to it. As the size of the black hole increases, so does its size Its mass ratio (That is weird!). Still, nothing inside, but the horizon is huge.

An advice: mass is like a black hole The sun With a radius of about 3 km, a black hole the size of the solar system, as considered above, has a radius of 10 billion kilometers, which is 3 billion times heavier than the Sun. For such black holes, the effects of gravitational stretching are felt only once within the black hole (these are called “tidal effects”). For small black holes with mass in a row Star, We feel good about them before we go inside. My advice: do not access these black holes there.

Recently, Olivier Minasoli He invented a new theory of gravity, which he calls “complex relativity”, which is in line with Einstein’s own intuitions about nature. This new theory is similar to Einstein’s solar system. But for black holes, she predicts, at the singular level, the force of gravity will be repellent.

So the end of the scene above may be a little different. Mystery

This analysis was written by Gilles Bogard, a CNRS physicist and scientific historian at the University of Cte d’Azur.
The original article was published on the site Conversation.

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