Morocco Appoints Coordinator of Two Task Forces on the Arab Network of Nuclear Regulatory Organizations (ANNuR)

Morocco Appoints Coordinator of Two Task Forces on the Arab Network of Nuclear Regulatory Organizations (ANNuR)

V.S.His appointment took place on the 13thAnd The ANNuR meeting, organized in Hammamet, Tunisia between March 22 and 24, 2022, comes in response to providing a national experience on the regulatory control of radioactive waste management and the safety features of Trika Mark II. Research Furnace, the company said in a statement.

In this regard, and in accordance with the terms of reference of the network, “AMSSNuR is now the Coordinator.Underlined in the press release.

In fact, this meeting provided an opportunity for participants to present their achievements and, on the one hand, the challenges faced in the context of implementing ANNUR supervised projects and, on the other hand, to select various coordinators. The task forces responsible for nuclear and radiation safety and security add the same evidence.

AMSSNuR was represented at this meeting as part of the activities of the Arab Network, a forum for sharing and exchanging experience in the field of nuclear energy and radiation protection and security, by the Head of Regulatory and Licensing Agency, Department of Atomic Energy, Mohamed Mydal.

In addition to representatives of the US Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission (US-NRC), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and ANNuR partners, representatives of regulatory authorities from various Arab countries, including Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania, also attended the meeting. , Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Sudan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

The meeting was marked by the appointment of Iraq as head of the ANNuR network by its regulatory authority, and it concludes the press release, in alphabetical order of members of the Arab network.

(With map)

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