Snow in Australia, hurricanes in the Atlantic,... Weather news of the world at the end of September 2021 27/09/2021

Snow in Australia, hurricanes in the Atlantic,… Weather news of the world at the end of September 2021 27/09/2021

Europe :

Eastern Europe was affected by this in the week of September 20 to 26 Very marked and early cold air flow.

Temperature anomalies in Europe and around the world on September 22, 2021 – Climatereanalyzer

For example, on the morning of September 20, frosts were abundant over western Russia -6.3°C In Magnitogorsk, the decadent log is cold in this resort.

Minimum temperature in eastern Europe on September 20, 2021 – Ogimet

This cold then spread south to the east of the continent again with the lowest minimums and highs sometimes not exceeding 10 ° C. -1°C Found in Florina, in northern Greece, i.e. in northern Greece. New monthly cold record At low altitude stations (less than 1000 meters), the old record of 0.0 ° C at the same station on September 30, 1977 so a degree was broken!

Minimum temperature in southeastern Europe on 24/09/2021 – Ogimet

In addition to these cool minimum temperatures in large areas, Snow Northern made its mid-return to Turkish reliefs First time of the season, Fall in large quantities at high altitudes.

Snowfall on peaks of northern Turkey on September 23, 2021- Ray Taşcı

In the south of the continent, it is sometimes an instability marked in recent days. Between September 22 and 24, severe thunderstorms affected southern Spain, sometimes remaining stationary in the Huelva region, causing Locally significant flooding. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the damage was numerous,

Flooding near Almendralejo in southern Spain on September 23, 2021 – A. F. B

On the weekend of September 25 and 26, it was Italy’s turn to be hit by severe thunderstorms, particularly in the northwest of the country. In the continuum of degradation about France (link), powerful storm cells circulate between Liguria and Tuscany on Sunday, September 26, forming A powerful electrical function, hail and very heavy rainfall.

In particular, the Mugello region in the interior of Tuscany was severely affected Hail stones exceeding 6/7cm diameter And does a lot of damage.

Violent hail falls at Mugello in Tuscany on September 26, 2021 – Gianfranco poonini

United States :

Tropical activity has finally slowed in the north of the American continent, but remains in the Atlantic. Sam storm formed off Africa’s Coast has evolved rapidly in recent days Major Category 4 hurricane, Showing particularly well trained in satellite imagery.

Major hurricane Sam this September 27, 2021 – NASA

Fortunately, it didn’t threaten the West Indies and should go to Bermuda for the weekend.

Projected path of major cyclone Sam in coming days –

On the sidelines of this storm, the West Indies also have a Hot shot beautifully marked Where at the beginning of the previous week, especially in Dominica 35.7°C Reached on September 21, it equaled the absolute monthly national record.

Nevertheless, it is in the south of the continent where the heat is most pronounced From mid-September. Up to 42.4°C On 21 September in Jales, Brazil (Complete registration), 42.3°C In Valparaiso or 43.1°C To Goyas.

In Chile, the capital Santiago reached 32.2°C on September 24, the 2nd highest value for September at 110-year readings!

Santiago, Chile’s capital where heat has been prominent in recent days – Air France

Africa :

Little change on the African continent with generally calm weather. Traditional thunderstorms and heavy rain concern the center of the country when it is under the Saharan sun.

Satellite image of the African continent this 27 September 2021 – Saturday 24

Nevertheless, the heat has been more significant than South Africa in recent days. Until September 23 41.8°C Have reached kawoko ottawi in Namibia or 39°C Ondjiva, New monthly national record.

On the country’s west coast, several storm formations are under observation in terms of their potential evolution into a tropical event in the coming days. Two areas really need 80% chance To develop into a storm during the week located off the coast of Guinea.

Storm-prone areas likely to develop into 80% of storm during Week –

Asia :

Typhoon mindulle, which formed in recent days over the western Pacific, has largely strengthened to reach Category 3 Earlier in the week. Despite its very energetic appearance, the wind reaches 220k per hour in gusts. Me. At its core.

Satellite image of Typhoon mindull on September 26, 2021 – J. M. A.

It gradually moves north and should circulate Barely on Japan’s East Coast On Friday Day, October 1st. A warning has already been issued by the country’s forecasting services.

Forecast path of Cyclone mindule in coming days – Japanese d. V.

In India, it is Cyclone Gulab It caused significant damage at times in the north-east of the country. At very low intensity, it gave very high rainfall especially in these regions, causing Numerous floods. 2 fishermen were also killed by the storm.

Flooding following the passage of Cyclone Gulab North-East in India – Via Twitter: @ StevenRoy97

Oceania :

Instability has been affecting Polynesia in recent days with successive thundery showers, which remains Classic in this region at this time of year. However something less classic, this September 21st a very well-formed water collection was photographed in hurrefiti Bay on the island of Tahaa (French Polynesia), an event Very rare In this part of the world.

Towering watercourse at hurrefiti Bay on September 21, 2021 – Nicolas Pere

On the Australian side, thermal variability is marked at the end of September. While Darwin was observing a particularly warm day of up to 38 ° C on September 21, a new Monthly heat record, Beating 37.7°C of 09/17/1983.

Conversely, during this period the south of the country has a particularly cold air Mass for the period spread with minimum and maximum temperatures Especially cold Between southern Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales.

Temperatures were 850hPa this September 21 in Australia – Bom

In addition to the cold, this polar air mass was accompanied by late snowfall at the first elevations of these regions, as the area gradually enters the spring. Up to 28 cm. M snow Paw Paw mountain in Victoria state was raised as temperatures dropped -8°C. on the plain

Snowfall in the first elevations of the state of Victoria on September 22, 2021 – Tiffany Warner

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