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Parallel Wireless ouvre is a new center search and development of 5G at fine point technology in Ottawa, Canada

Class dans: Les affires, Science and technology
Sujets: Salon commercial, Expansion d’entreprise

Lentreprise embouche activation pour construse des rseaux OpenRAN de Class Mondiale Permontant a connect 5G large band point

NASHUA, NewHampshire, 2 fvrier 2022 / CNW / –Parallel Wireless, Inc.the enterprise amricaine OpenRAN qui offer la solution OpenRAN ominirseauG dorigine infonagiique, a laboratory search and development and an installation site Ottawaau Canadapour developer davantage l’accs la radio5G et accrotre sa prsence mondiale.

Parallel Wireless logo.

Partout dans le monde, the operator of rseaux mobiles (ORM) adopt rapidly racing rseaux OpenRAN to offer an unconnected large band sans fil rentable and easy adapter. ParallelWireless est l’avant-garde de la rvolution des tlcommunications qui propulsera l’avenir du sans fil OpenRAN ominirseauG (2G, 3G, 4G et 5G)

Table Nashua, a NewHampshire, ParallelWireless at cr en 2012 et possed actuellement des centers search and development en Inde, en Isral, aux tats-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et maintenant au Canada ainsi qu’en Sude. Enterprise connot une croissance rapide and then nombreux succes on rseau mobile sans fil Open RAN in monde avec des ORM commeBTEE,Hotspot,Vodafone in Asie et Afrique,MTN,Axiata Groupet bien d’autres.

MaximeDumas is the new direct directory of ParallelWirelessCanada. Il dirgera l’expansion des activites de l’ntreprise dans la rgion. Maxime possesses more than 17s d’exprience in lindustrie in the latest technology and sans-fil mobile. Avant sa nomination, Maxime tait un membrane fondateur de NuRANWireless, o occupy the post of the president and chef in the direction. Maxime a participant activation of the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) on Facebook by creating and collaborating enthusiastically on the initiatives, dont celle l’OpenRAN.

MaximeDumas, the director of Gnral de Parallel Wireless au Canadaa dclar: ParallelWireless to pour vision Canada on the other side is an excellent query search and development Ottawa afin crere des solutions Open RAN premier order for ORM au Canada et aileurs. L’quipe de Reimaginers au Canada This habilite, inspiring and motive crew of rseaux de pointe qui offrent communications sans fil large band to pour amliore la vie and reinforces conomies.

The ParallelWireless ouvrira official portfolio of the new bureau bureau in database 2022 in the parochial technology of Kanata-Nord, the most grand and most dynamic Canadasitu proximit d ‘Ottawathe capital nationale du pays.

ParallelWirelessCanada sera is an installation search and development of caliber mondial. These membrane personnel and stimulus linnovation en collaborant with the most universal universes canadiennes and assist operators mobile mobiles au pays dployer with succs solutions OpenRAN the highest rentables and the highest quality. Lquipe canadienne comprehends professionals and most brilliant domain domain. Ils se conservrent la mise en oeuvre des innovations 5G OpenRAN et la Revolution de lindustrie du sans-fil.

ParallelWireless embouche activation Kanatain rgion d ‘Ottawawhich are in the dual addresses Canada, with the availability of traveler distance. These posts are available on all your domains including radio 4G and 5G, and compresses Massive MIMO, larchitecture du system, conception radio, couches physics, file protocols and infonuagique. The list of vacancies in the list of consultants on vacanciesSite Web desks carrires canadiennes de ParallelWireless.

Jim Watsonmaire d ‘Ottawaa dclar: ParallelWireless is an excellent ajout l’Cosystme de tlcommunications of caliber mondial d ‘Ottawa et son arrive renforce davantage la notre ville in tant que plaque touring de la 5G au Canada. Grce au soutien continu d’InvestirOttawa l’gard de cte expansion emballante, I rjouis l’ide suvrele le development of this installation search and development of premier order au cours des prochains mois.

proposes ParallelWireless

Conform to normeO-RAN, not only platform logic ominirseauG (2, 3, 4 and 5G) at dploye parse roseau mobile provenant des 6Continents and presents an architecture out, scripted and intelligent, for a connectivity sans fil your own branches, nimporte o, nimporte quand et comme in souhaite. Pour in savoir plus, Consult site Suivez Parallel Wireless suretTwitter.


SOURCE Parallel Wireless

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Communiqu envoy le 2 fvrier 2022 07:00 and diffus by:

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