Putin spokesman: Outcome of diplomatic consultations with US and Europe 'trouble' |  Abroad

Putin spokesman: Outcome of diplomatic consultations with US and Europe ‘trouble’ | Abroad

“We have reached some agreement, but in general we can say that we are on a completely different path. It is not good, it is disturbing,” Peskov said on the CNN program. Fareed Zakaria GPS, Which will air on Sundays, but its transcript has already been released.

Several diplomatic meetings took place between the ambassadors of the Russian and US governments last week. Consultations were also held with European representatives. The Russians are demanding essential security guarantees to alleviate the situation. These include the withdrawal of NATO troops from Eastern Europe and the promise that Ukraine will never be part of a military alliance. NATO refuses to accept such a promise.

The United States is concerned about Russian forces near the Ukrainian border. There are fears of a raid, and Russia has no plans. But according to Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, Russia is “actively working to create a pretext for a possible test.” White House spokesman Zhen Zaki said that if the Russian invasion of Ukraine took place, it could begin “from mid-January to mid-February.”

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